Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

-Fast foward to the 17th July-

"Ok, stop writing." The teacher at the front of the exam hall announced. The sound of cluttering pens echoed around the room mine being one of them. I'd only JUST managed to complete the paper, though the likeliness of any of it being correct is very low. I sighed, at least the last exam was over. I'd revised like crazy for every single exam meaning an extreme lack of sleep. Kristen had also been relentless in her teaching whenever she had spare time. I'd managed to make one friend, which is a surprise due to the lack of time I'd had to socialise, her name is Evelyn but she prefers Eve. We'd only met because of the mutual cram of revision we had going on. So along with Kristen, Eve had helped out too. 

Before I knew it my row was being dismissed so I pushed my away from the tiny table and made my way out of the exam room giving a polite smile to the teachers I didn't know the names of. 

"How did you do?" Eve was waiting outside the exam room and linked her arm through mine as soon as I was beside her. 

"I don't know... I tried my best." I admitted. 

"Well, you're quite good at Maths so hopefully you got a pass." She encouraged. I nodded as we made our way out of the school. "What you doing now?" She asked as we left through the main enterance. 

"Urm..." I was about to answer her but I became distracted by the crowd of girls. 

"Let's go see what the hype is about!" She tugged me towards the crowd of girls, I also noticed the crowd of boys that had gathered. 

"I'm waiting for Maddison, do you girls know her?" When I heard his voice I knew who it was. My stomach suddenly fluttered. Ethan had come back for the date like he said he would! I hadn't heard from him since the diner so I assumed he just forgot about me despite saying that he'd do just this. 

"She's here!" Eve yelled making all the girls turn around. They gave me a look of pure jealousy. What was so special about this boy? Yeah he was good looking, ok amazing looking, but they're overreacting slightly. Ethan's eyes met mine and a smile spread across his face.

"Are you ready for our date?" He asked making all the girls gasp. 

"Do you know who that is?!" Eve whispered into my ear looking overly excited.

"Yeah? It's Ethan." I scrunched my forehead in confusion. 

"You're so lucky! He's only the most lusted after boy in the world in the most popular-"

"I think we should get going!" Ethan cut off Eve frantically as he grabbed my hand. 

"Urm, sure." I agreed as I slipped my arm out of Eve's. Her mouth was slightly agape as she stared at him then at our hands. I wanted to know what she was going to say before he'd cut her off so rudely but he was already pulling me towards the car. "I'll see you soon Eve." I told her quickly. "At that party, yeah?" She nodded seeming to be speechless. Ethan opened the door to his very expensive car for me. 

"Dude, I've never seen a Ferrari Spider in person before, this is mint!" One of the boys from the crowd exclaimed. I noticed how the girls had been gathered around him whilst the boys around the car. 

"Thank you." He gave them a smile as he motioned for me to get in the car. I did, and quickly, because I wanted to get out this situation of death glares. He shut the door for me. He was in the drivers seat a few seconds later. "Seatbelt." He instructed giving me a killer smile. God, that smile! His two dimples were on show making my heart melt. I pulled my seatbelt across me as he started up the car. He revved the engine making the crowd move. As we sped out of the school car park he beeped his horn at the crowd her were still staring after us. "How did your exams go?" He asked me. 

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