Sometimes rain is a good thing

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*set in the Underworld*

Emma ran around the Underworld Storybrooke in search of Hook. He had disappeared after Emma told him about the plan to rip out her heart and share it with him. He didn't like the idea, he didn't want Emma to get hurt and have the possibility of her dying.

Emma felt something wet roll down her check. A tear? No it couldn't be, she hadn't cried since Hook died. Then what else could it be? She felt something else wet roll down her other check.

She looked up to the sky to see storm clouds had gathered around her, looking like they could burst. The rain soon started to pour from the sky, making it look like the sky was crying.
Apparently it can rain in the Underworld.

Emma was wet and cold, but continued to search for her boyfriend. She had already checked the docks, he wasn't at their house, he wasn't at the loft, he wasn't anywhere in the forest, so that would leave one more place: Granny's.

Emma made her way to Granny's, her red leather jacket was sticking to her body and her hair was limp and soggy, but she continue on. Every step she took, water sloshed in her shoes.

She made it the the street which was in front of Granny's to see a tall man dressed in leather with a hook for a left hand. A smile instantly came on her face. He was walking in the other direction, but Emma called for him.

"Killian!" she screamed above the roar of the rain. He turned around, his brown hair falling lifelessly on his face. "Swan?" He called back loudly.

She stepped closer to him. "Swan, you shouldn't be here," he said. "I had to, I had to save you," she said. "You can't rip your heart out, you cannot do it," he pleaded with her.

"I want to and I will," she said. "Emma you could die and I could never be okay knowing that you died because of me," he said. "Killian, it will work," she said.

"When I died, you had to let me go. I know that is something you don't like doing, but you have to let me go. That is the way it's supposed it be," he said.

"I am not ready to let you go! And I never will be! We are supposed to grow old together and experience out lives to together! That house in Storybrooke, that is our future!" she said.

"You really think this will work?" Killian said. "I know it will!" Emma screamed. Killian smiled and started to move towards Emma.

"I love you," he said not scared to say those words to her. Emma smiled from ear to ear. "I love you too," she said as Killian pulled her in for a passionate kiss on this lips.

The rain continued to pour down on them, but they didn't care. Sometimes in a relationship and in life and the world, rain is a good thing.

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