Rum and Funerals

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I have decided that I am going to go write for Once Upon A Time because:

1. I was not expecting what happened in that episode to happen

2. I like my version better because it ended happily

So if you would like to enjoy me go ahead



|•Emma's P.O.V.•|

Funerals are not very fun. Even if the word 'fun' is in funeral.

A couple weeks ago, I was on my way to rescue Killian Jones from the Underworld after I stabbed him with Excalibur. With High hopes and a working heart, I was going to find him, split my heart, and get out of there in a heartbeat. But things are never that simple.

Yes I went down there to save him, but I couldn't save him. I had failed him. He told me goodbye and I told him goodbye, one thing I never thought I'd be able to do, but yet another fear he helped me over come.

I was scared to lose him and to say goodbye, but I had to do both in one moment. I could still feel his hand and his fingers interlocked with mine, the kisses he planted on my hand as his whiskers brushed my skin, and my hand out reaching to try and grab his hand again.

Smiling seemed like the hardest thing to do, I felt like I would never smile again. I mean, I had lost my reason to smile.

I pulled my black boots onto my feet and pulled my black coat onto my body as it hugged my figure. I had ditched the red leather jacket because it was a funeral and because it was my armor and I had made a promise to him to not put that armor back on.

I walked into the bathroom of our house which I had chosen to stay in, wanting to be alone and not bothered. I pulled my hair into a ponytail pulling my hair out of my face.

I looked in the mirror, not seeing the Savior Emma Swan, but seeing a ghost. I saw a broken woman, a woman who had no hope, a woman who looked like she had just lost everything, which was oh so true.

I had black bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep and all the crying that I had encountered since we came back.

I walked back out into our bedroom and down the stairs to the front door. I grabbed an umbrella seeing as it was raining outside, the perfect gloomy weather for a gloomy occasion.

I let out a sigh and opened the door and began to walk to where he was buried. I never thought that I would ever walk to his funeral, I never thought that one of us would be in the grave.

I arrived to the graveyard to see everyone there. Lots of people actually. I guess I never realized how many people's lives Killian had effected besides mine. I made my way to the front to see his gravestone.

Killian Jones it read, words I wished weren't there. I had lost him, he was gone.

I had tired to fix it, but maybe a happy ending wasn't in the cards for the savior. I guess all a savior could do was give other's their happy ending, but never find their own.

I stood looking at his grave for who knows how long. I guess that in that moment it finally hit me.....I truly did lose him.

No more dates, no more hand holdings, no more kisses, no more hugs, no more walks, no more rides on the Jolly Roger, no more onion rings not fries, no more car rides in the bug, no more saving each other, no more I love you's,  I more supportive talks, no more encouraging words, no more always having my back in a fight, no more us, no more him.

Everyone had left me in the rain. Thankfully, the rain had let up a bit and was now just a soft drizzle.

I moved a little closer to his grave, his body was in the ground. His soul in the Underworld, but his heart was in me.

"Hey Killian," I said as if I was talking to him, as if he was standing right in front of me.

"Hades is in Storybrooke trying to destroy everything, nothing new," I said sniffing up some tears.

"The town seems's lonely without you here, nothing seems the same, I really miss you," I said trying to hold back the tears.

I reached my hand to my back pocket and pulled out his rum flask, the one thing he always had on him at all times.

"I....uhh.. Brought you your run flask," I said sniffing up the tears.

"I'd figure you'd want your rum," I said with a small smile.

"Or you could just give it to me right now," a voice behind me said. A voice that I knew all too well, a voice that I never thought I would here again. A voice that soothed me when I needed comfort, a voice that gave me strength.

I was scared to the around to see if it was Killian, scared it was a trick. Scared that he wasn't really there. How could he be there anyway?

I slowly turned around to see him standing there, the man that was supposed to be dead gone from me forget standing right there in his dark one clothes. He was alive.

I dropped my umbrella in shock and gasped taking a step back.

"Killian?" I asked in almost a whisper tear about to spill from my eyes.

"Aye love, it's me," he smiled at me. I stepped forwards to him coming closer to his face.

"How?" I asked.

"After you left, I began to look for the missing pages on Hades when I encountered Zeus who I helped and he granted me my life back," Killian said taking a step towards me.

I walked closer and rested my hands on his chest taking him in, making sure it really was him.

"It's really you?" I asked.

"Aye love, it's me," he said.

I went in to kiss him, feeling that same warmth I always did that same spark and I knew, I knew that was my Killian.

We parted lips as he reached down and grabbed my hand.

"I've missed you Killian," I said.

"We have only been apart for a day," he smirked.

I just smiled at the ground.

"Come on let's defeat Hades," he said with a smile as we walked away to defeat the man who was about to ruin our Storybrooke lives as we know it.

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