Are New Life.

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Elena's Pov.
It was warm and sunny. It was Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016 and it was the first day of school and it will be the first time she went to school since we moved here. Ivrys birthday is in 2 months and she will be 13. I ran upstairs to get her up. "Ivry. Its the first day of school. Get up." I said to her nicely. She finally got up. I went downstairs and made breakfast with Alec.

Ivrys Pov.
My mom just had to wake me at 6:30 in the morning. I got up and got dressed. I wore a cute outfit to school. I did my make up and fixed up my hair. I ran downstairs to mom and dad finishing up breakfast. Since we lived close to school I walked. I went to Alanta Middle School. I walk into school and wall into the office. "Hi, I'm new to this school. My mother told me that she called and the office told her I have to come here." I told them. Since we just moved they don't know are address and I didn't get my schedule. "Of course you must be Ivry. Here's your locker combination and schedule. So your not late here's a note. Have a great day." The principle said. I smiled and left to my locker. I opened it to books inside and a note.

Welcome, here are your books for your classes. Every locker will have these on the first day of school. Have a great day. I grabbed my math book since that's my first class. I grabbed a notebook and pencil. I walked into room 208, Mrs. May. I gave her a note. "Just find a seat for today." She said. I walked to a seat that was the only one opened. I had to sit by a girl named Hanna. "Hi I'm Hanna." She said and smiled. "Ivry." I said. Mrs. May smiled at me, because maybe she thought I already made a friend and that good. The teacher seemed nice. We had to learn about each other. The day was almost over and it was already lunch time. "Come sit with me." Hanna said. I sat with her and her friends. "This is Mandy, Raven, Alyssa, and Amaya." She said. "Guys this is Ivry." She said. "So tell me about the people here. Like not to talk to and who to talk to." I said. She told me a group of people who to not talk to. "So the queen been of the school is Lilly. Don't go near her." She said. "So tell us about you." She said. "Well when I was born my mom gave me up, her parents made her. When I was 10, I always wonder why I never looked like my family. So I did some looking and found my birth parents. My parents took me to them. Then my adopted parents left and I been with my birth parents. There not married they are just dating. I love to draw. I'm part french. I'm born in Mystic Falls. My birthday is September 1st 2001." I told them. "I'm adopted." Mandy said. They all told me about them selves. School ended and I went to my locker and grabbed my things. When I shut it a boy went up to me. He was cute but I wouldn't date him if I ever had the chance. "Hi." I said. "Hi, I'm Luke Lockwood." He said. "Ivry Gilbert." I said. "Your parents are best friends of my parents. Caroline and Tyler." He said. "I'm not allowed to speak about them. My mother doesn't want to see him. If this is what it's all about." I said. "No but do wanna hang later maybe at the park. We can talk. I have a lot to tell you about my parents." He told me. "Okay but I have to get home." I said and left. I went home and put my stuff away. "Mom I'm going to the park!" I said left. "Okay sweetie." She said I went to the park and he got out of the car he was in. I saw Caroline in the car. "Hey." he said. I smiled and his mother parked away. "What do you want to know about my mother, Elena?" I asked. "My mom wants to know how she is." He said. "She's happier. Come with me." I told him. We walked go to his mothers car. I knocked on the window. "Hi Caroline and Tyler." I said. "Hi. Can I speak to your mother. Please." She said. "She cant. Sorry Luke I have to go." I said and walked away. I went home. I knew she would've followed me home and she did. I walked in. "Hey mom." I said as she was handing me food. We heard

Alec's pov
I got up and found Caroline and Tyler. "Hi, um Elena. Please come here." I said. She came and we both stepped outside and talked. "Alec?" Tyler said. "Hey buddy." I said. "So you guys are together?" He said. "Yeah." I said. "We need to talk Elena. Its bad." She said. They both walked inside.

Elena's Pov.
"I told you she doesn't want to speak to you." Ivry said in her mean British voice she only get a when she is mad, and walked upstairs. "I'm sorry, but she's right I don't want to speak to you but since your here then we can." I said. "Look I missed you and Damon is married and adopted 2 kids. Stefan is sad that you left. Remember when Bonnie did magic on Ivry and made sure she was okay well she was wrong. Ivry and all of you are going to die. There some guy who will get her and he will kill all of you. So you need to come back and we can help you." She told. "We are going to be fine. Im not going back. I'm happy and I will stay happy." I said. I made them leave and we went to bed.

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