Coronation Ceremony pt 1

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Jane POV

As soon as Bella and Alec left, Aro turned to me and told me that I will be the best person to plan the coronation, so I went up to my room knowing that I won't see Bella and Alec till tomorrow.

                     NEXT DAY

It was seven in the morning and it was time to go and get Bella and to start to plan this coronation. I walked to Bella room and quickly knocked on the door, not sure if Bella and Alec had clothes on. I heard some shuffling around then the door opened to revel Alec in a pair of boxes and no shirt on. I walked around him and saw Bella sitting on the with a bathroom robe on. I smiled at Bella and sat next to her.

"Bella, Aro has put me in charge of planing the coronation ceremony and I wanted to get started today."I said, Bella groaned, obviously not happy about planning the ceremony.

I just laughed at Bella and pulled her into her closet so she could get changed. I then throw Alec his shirt and pushed him out the door. I walked over to where Bella keeps her pens and paper and made a list of what we have to plan.

Where to have the ceremony
Who to invite
What Bella is going to where
The decorations
Someone to make a thrown
Someone to make a robe
Set a date
Where to have the after party
What type of blood to have
Announcer person.

Bella walked out of the closet dressed in a purple dress that goes to her knees and purple flats. She went had sat in the couch waiting for me to join her.

I sat next to her and handed her my list and she groaned at everything that we had to plan. I laughed at her and she sent me a death glare that just made me laugh harder.

"Come on Bella, it won't be that hard, you'll see." I told her.

"Easy for you to say Jane." Bella growled. I laughed and then gestured to the list.

"We should probably get started. Where do you want to have the ceremony Bella?" I asked her.

"Shouldn't we just have it in the thrown room?"she said, then added" I mean, it would be easier then to have to move the thrones from outside then inside again."

I thought for a moment thinking. That would defiantly be much easier then having to move them outside. "Ok Bella, lets have the ceremony in the thrown room." I said and smiled.

"Alright what's next?" Bella asked.

"Who to invite." I said and was about continue when I saw Bella face and new something was up." Bella what's wrong?"

"I need to see Aro NOW" Bella yelled and ran out the door with me hot in her tail.

Bella ran straight to the thrown room and pushed the doors opened and walked in. Aro saw how angry Bella was and looked a bit scared, I couldn't blame him, when Bella gets angry, you want to stay out of her way.

"Bella, what wrong?" Aro asked.

"I don't want the Cullen's to come to the ceremony. I am not ready to face them yet." Bella yelled and sneered the Cullen's name.

"Bella, if you don't want to have the Cullen's at the ceremony than you don't have to." Aro replied and Bella immediately relaxed.

"Thankyou Aro." Bella replied back then ran back to her room, with me right behind her.

We got back to Bella room and sat down on the couch.

"Ok, we will invite every coven and nomads expect the Cullen's." Bella said and I nodded and wrote it down on a piece of paper as well as were the ceremony will be held.

"Ok, two things down 8 things left to organize. Bella, what do you want to wear?" I asked.

"I have a red strapless dress that would go with the occasion and it would also go with the Volturi colours and crest."Bella said and I nodded and wrote it down.

"Next, the decorations. What decorations do you want to go at the after party?" I asked.

"Let's just have streamers, balloons and fairy lights." Bella said and I agreed and wrote it on the list.

"Next thing, someone to make the thrown"I said to Bella.

"I have no idea for who to get to make the thrown." Said Bella and I knew immediately who to get.

"I'll get the vampire who made the masters thrones to make yours, his name is Bob Mac." I said and Bella nodded, so I wrote down his name. Then I added " now we need someone to make the robe."

"We can get the vampire that makes my clothes, Amber Gerrie." I nodded at what Bella said and wrote it down.

"Alright, next is a date." I told Bella.

"Um... How about the 15th of February that way it is exactly a month" ( THIS IS JUST A RANDOM DATE ) I agreed and wrote it down.

"Where do you want to have the after party? I asked Bella.

"The garden." I nodded and wrote it down.

"What type of blood do you want there?" I questioned.

"Human and animal blood." I wrote it down.

"Alright last thing, we need a announcer person."

"Let's have Alec." I wrote it down.

"Alright Bella, all down now, just leave the rest of it up to me". I said and she nodded.

I then got up and ran to the thrown room to give Aro the list and see if he wants to change anything. I got to the thrown room and gave Aro the list.

"That is the plan for the party, I just have to set everything up." I told him.

He read it then looked up to me with a smile on his face and handed me back the list.

"I  happy with everything on that lust." Aro told me.

I ran out of the thrown room and into my room to start planing everything.


So what do you guys think?
This is also chapter 6
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