Chapter 22

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Dedicated to babygirl9109
Carlisle POV
The next day
(A bit of making out)
Esme and I returned to the castle a little before seven. We headed up to our room that the kids and us were staying in. When we walked through the door, I grabbed Esme's hand and pulled her into our room.

"I thought that we could have a little fun before the kids come back." I told her, while pushing her down onto the bed and laying down on top of her.

"Carlisle, the kids will be home in 11 minutes and then we have to get ready for our 'talk' with the Denali's." Esme replied, groaning when I started kissing down her neck.

"We don't have to have sex, just a quick make out session." I smirked.

"Ok, but just a 10 minute one." She smiled.

I went back to sucking on her neck and quickly found her sweet spot. I sucked on it hard and Esme put her hands in my hair and started pulling on them while moaning. I was about to pull her shirt off when I hear the kid coming through the door.
(No more making out)

I quick got off Esme and pulled her up. She quickly went into the bathroom to smooth out her hair, while I just added a bit more hair jell to keep it down. Esme came out of the bathroom a minute later and we headed out to the kids. We found them watching TV. I turned off the TV and looked at them.

"We are going to go and talk to the Denali's." Esme told them.

They nodded their heads and followed Esme and I out the door. We walked around the castle until we saw them. They saw us coming and gave us death stares. It looks like Edward was right but we still need to find out what we did. We finally reached them. Here goes.


Hey guys,

So I know this chapter is short and I wasn't going to leave it were I did but I'm falling asleep while writing this. I will make the next update longer.

I am running out of ideas. I have some ideas for the book that are going to be included but I'm stuck as to what to put in between, if you have any ideas for me, then please tell me.

I will update again on Saturday. I can't update before then sorry. Anyway, enjoy, vote and comment.


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