Wedding ceremony pt 2

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Bella POV

As soon as the wedding March started playing, they all started to walk, out of the building and around the hedge to the isle. Aro and I started walking after the girls. It wasn't long before we had walked around the hedge. It all looked perfect, Jane did a fantastic job. When I looked up at the top of the isle and saw Alec, I stopped breathing. He looked handsome in a tux. When he caught my eyes he got this biggest smile on his face and if it wasn't for Aro I would have legged it down the isle, right then and there.

After what felt like years I had finally reached Alec. Aro kissed my cheek before putting my hand in Alec's hand and took a sit next to Caius.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have joined here today to share with Isabella and Alec in an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding for each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live the rest of eternity together. We will now have the bride and groom say their vows." The priest said.

"Bella, I take you to be my partner for entity
I promise above all else to live in truth with you
And to communicate fully and fearlessly
I give you my hand and my silent heart
As a sanctuary of warmth and peace
And pledge my love, devotion, faith and honour
As I joined my life to yours
I love you" Alec said, smiling and looking me in the eyes, if I was still human I would be crying.

"Alec, I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love
I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving
I promise to try to be on time
Bit most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal wife to you
I love you" I said, looking at Alec and nearly started dry sobbing.

"Now it is time for the rings." Said the priest, Alec turned around and looked at Demetri who handed the priest the rings, the priest gives us one ring each " Alec repeat after me, I Alec give you Bella this ring ad an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you" Alec repeated it perfectly and slid the ring on my finger " now Isabella, repeat after me, I Isabella give you Alec this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you" I repeated what the priest said and put the ring on Alec's finger. " by the power vested in me by the Volturi, I now pronounce you husband/wife and wife/husband. You may now kiss the bride." Alec and I kissed like there was no tomorrow, I forgot where we were and remember when Alec pulled away and turned around to face everyone.

"I present to you Mr and Mrs Volturi."The priest said.

For the next hour, we were in between getting photos done and congrats. By night fall we had moved in side and were dancing.

By 10:30pm it was time for the bride and groom to dance. Dance with me came on and Alec and I danced.

"I don't think I have had a chance to tell you how beautiful you are."Alec whispered in my ear.

"I don't you have, and I haven't had a chance to tell you how handsome you are."I whispered back.

"Well you are the most beautiful women in this room and I'm so happy to have you." He whispered.

"And you are the most handsome man in this room and I'm so lucky to have you." I said.

The song finished and Alec snuck us out of the room and up to our room to have some fun.



I hope you enjoy this!!! I know it's a crap chapter but enjoy!!!

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