Chapter 15

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Bella POV

When Aro told me that the Cullen's were here, I felt sort of angry, knowing, I only faced them a couple of days ago, but still I knew I would have to fave them sooner or later.

"Ok, where are they? I just want to get this over and done with." I say.

"There in the thrown room." Caius said.

"Ok, will you guys stay with me please?" I asked them, not wanting to be alone with them.

"Of course Bella, anything." Marcus told me, smiling and giving me a quick hug.

"I also want Alec, Jane, Demetri and Felix." I said, wanting them to help me, in case I have to get out of there.

"Yes, I'll get one of the guards to fetch them." Nodded Aro.

We all left the sound proof room and headed to the thrown room. On the way, Aro got a guard to go and fetch the others and get them to meet us in the thrown room. As we were about to walk into the thrown room, we meet up with the others. I told them threw their minds what was going on and Alec came and gave me a kiss, while taking my hand in his. We walked into the thrown room together. When we entered the thrown room, the Cullen's turned around and looked at us. I walked up to the thrones and sat down on my chair.

"Cullen's, what do i owe the pleasure to your visit?" I questioned, sarcastically, already knowing their why they are visiting.

"Bella, we would like it if you would forgive us and give us another chance?, we would like to get to know you again and hopefully you'll come back to Forks when we leave." Carlisle said, a hopeful smile on his face and looking me dead in the eyes. I nearly laughed. They want me to go back with them? As if.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think you heard me right at Forks."I said." I am happy were I am, I have a husband who I love dearly, a sister who is mostly annoying me about my fashion since but I still live her. I have 3 brothers, who although are really annoying but can be fun to mess around with. And there's Aro, Marcus and Caius. Aro is an uncle/brother to me, Caius is the same and Marcus is practically my father and I love them all. I am willing to forgive you all in time but I am not going back to Forks with you, this is my home." I added.

Everyone was looking at me in shock, I guess this is the first time they had heard me say something that long. But everything I said was all true.

"Bella, we understand that, but we are also your family and are going to earn your trust back." Esme said, sincerely.

Alright Cullen's, I will have Jane show you to the room where you will be staying in." Aro told them, everyone nodded except Edward who was looking at me.

"Bella, if you don't mind, I would like to talk to you in private?" Edward asked, looking me dead in the eyes.

As soon as he said that, there were growls heard all through the room, the loudest growl came from Alec, I knew he didn't want me alone with him but I knew he was going to ask this sooner or later. When the Cullen's heard the growls they grew anxious. I put my hand up to tell everyone to shut up. When they did I turned to Edward and said

"You can have 2 minutes, that's it."

"Babe, I don't want you anywhere near him. I don't want him to hurt you." Alec said, concern clear in his voice and worry on his face.

I got up and went to Alec, I grabbed his hands and looked him dead in his eyes. "Alec, I know you want to protect me but you and I both know that he was going to ask this sooner or later. It will only be for 2 minutes and we will be in the sound proof room with guards standing outside the door and if were not out by after the 2 minutes they can storm in okay?" I told/asked him?

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