Chapter 17

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Dedicated to RebeccaXOX3


I was looking around in Victoria secret trying to find something that would get Alec going, when I smelt a vampire that I didn't know. I carefully started following the scent and I grasped when I saw who it was, it was...


Bella POV


I was in shock. Victoria was here in Volterra and is facing me smirking. All I want to do right now is kill her but I can't do that with humans around, so all I do I'd growl low enough so that humans can't hear. She just looked at me and smirked.

"Well, well, well, isn't it the famous Queen Bella." Sneered Victoria.

"Victoria, what are you doing here?" I questioned, wondering what why the hell she was here.

"I thought that I would come and find you, to let you know that trouble is coming and be ready because my army and I are going to fight with everything we have." She says, smiling hugely at me.

I look into her eyes and I know that she is telling the truth. I have trouble trying to hold back my laughter but in the end, I just let it out.

"If you think you can beat me then good luck, I'll like to see how far your army will get."I say, while laughing. Victoria smile drops when I said that and she growled at me before turning around and leaving the store. I just stood there shaking my head.

After a couple more minutes of shopping in Victoria secret, I leave to go find Esme. I really miss Esme, she was always like a mum to me. I want to forgive them all except Edward, he hurt me the most.

I walk into target and find Esme browsing through some nice clothes. I decided to look at the shoes they have in here. I walk over and immediately find these really nice pumps that will go with a dress that I brought, so I pick them up and put them in the bathroom. After a couple more minutes of shopping, I go and find Esme in the bedding cover section, I walk up to her and smile at her.

"Hey." I said, with a smile.

"Hello sweetheart." She smiled back at me, then she took a deep breath and said, " Bella, I'm so sorry for everything, I didn't want to leave but we were respecting Edward decision."

I looked at her and I knew that I couldn't be mad at her any longer, but she didn't have my trust back.

"Esme, I forgive you for leaving but it is going to take more than an apology to earn back my trust. It will take time to earn it back." I told her truthfully.

"I understand that Bella, and thankyou for your forgiveness." Said Esme, she gave me a quick hug and suggested that we go and find the girls and head back to the castle.

We find Rosalie in some store looking through clothes for herself, we tell her that we are finished here and are heading back and is just collecting you and Alice. After Rosalie, Esme and I left to find Alice, I caught Victoria looking through a window and smirking in it, knowing I could see her.

"Bella, what are you looking at?" Asked Rosalie.

"Nothing, I was just looking through some windows of the stores." I told her, I could tell she didn't believe me but she nodded and let it go.

We found Alice 10 minutes later in a jewelry store. As we were walking in, I saw the perfect necklace for Jane, so I went and brought it for her. I meet the others outside and we walked to the car before getting in and driving back to the castle. When we got there, I said goodbye and thanks to the others for a wonderful trip and left to dropped off the bags at my room and went to the thrown room to see the others and inform them of Victoria.

"Bella, welcome back." Aro said, when I walked in I smiled at everyone and took my seat before speaking.

"While I was shopping, I ran into Victoria, she told me how there was an army coming and that we were all going to die." I told them. Everyone, and I mean everyone looked so pissed, I could tell that they were ready to murder someone.

"That will not happen, we will work out at a plan of action." Marcus said.

"I was thinking of asking some friends and seeing if they would want to help, then the ones that say yes, can come here and train for the battle." I said.

"That's a great idea, we will ask people tomorrow, in the mean time, Bella I suggests you go hunting, your eyes are nearly black." Aro said.

I nodded and kissed Alec goodbye before leaving to go and hunt for the night.


Here us the next update, I hope you enjoy it, I know it isn't exactly long but it was all I could come up with. I hope you enjoy this chapter and thankyou everyone for reading my book.

Enjoy, vote and comment


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