How to Get on a Narwhal's Bad Side.

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Breaking People Down: 

As someone who has been a victim of this and has seen it happen many times I'd like to say that, that is probably one of the WORST things anyone could ever do. If someone's been through a lot of shit and hated them self and hated their self why the fuck would you go on and fucking break them down. Do you know how fucking hard it is to do so? Also would you like it if someone did that to you.? No, you wouldn't. So don't fucking do that to others. Not to mention, that is a human being  you are hurting, yes a human being just like you is what you're hurting. Just keep that in mind.

Homophobic & Transphobic People:

Okay so as an agender, panromantic asexual, having to deal with these people is part of everyday. First of all, don't even try using the "I can't help it, it's how my parents raised me."  Or anything about you're religion being against it. I know some people who used to be Homophobic/Transphobic and over the years they've became accepting of it, and I know people that are extremely religious and accepting. Also it's not like they can change. If someone's transgender, agender, genderfluid, etc. they were born that way. If someone's gay, bisexual, lesbian, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, etc. they were born that way. They can't  change how they were born but, you can  change how you act towards them. 

Okay those are just 2 things.. If I were to go on about everything this part would go on forever.. 

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