Chapter Nineteen

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Madison's POV

It was so strange to see my little apartment empty of everything I had put in it over the years. I would have been sad about leaving the place I had called home the past 3 years, but I didn't feel safe here anymore. Joel, or whatever his name is, had ruined it for me. I was so glad to have Jackson, though. He had been asking me to move in with him for years. I'm completely fine with moving in with him now that we we're together, but I wish it wasn't under these circumstances. & I wish I didn't feel like I was the reason that Kolten was moving out.

"Are you sure you have to move out? I really won't mind having you there." I had told Kolten.

"Madison, stop. It was time for me to move out anyway. I can't stay there forever. & When I finally make Willow mine, I'm sure she'll be more comfortable in a place where we can be alone."

When he had brought Willow up, I eased up. We rented a truck for the day, so we could get all my boxes to Jackson's house. I wasn't too sure what to do about my bigger furniture, like my couch & my bed. I thought about just selling them or donating them. But, Jackson said we could put them in the room that Kolten was moving out of, & make it a sort of guest bedroom. I had handed over my keys to the landlord, & paid what I owed. I was so glad that he hadn't questioned my need to move out so quickly.


Later that night, I was putting my clothes away in Jackson's closet & humming to myself. I heard a creak of the floorboards in the hall, & I quickly turned around, looking towards the door. No one was there. I felt my heartbeat skip, then quicken in pace.

"Jackson?" I called out.

He didn't answer. His house was a little big, so he might not have heard me. & I knew it wasn't Kolten, because he was at the movies with his friends. I walked to the door & looked out into the hall, but no one was there. I quietly stepped out of the bedroom, & walked down the hall. As I passed the bathroom, someone stepped out into the hall in front of me & I let out a scream.


"Holy crap, Jackson! You scared me!" I said, clutching my chest.

He pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, baby girl. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. My heart just needs to stop racing now." I let out a small laugh.

He pulled back & cupped his hands around my face, tilting my face up. "You're safe here. Nothing is going to happen to you here."

"I know. You just scared me. I love you, Jackson."

"I love you too, baby." he said, & then he kissed me.

I sincerely believed that nothing would happen to me here. Being here with him felt like I was truly home. Like nothing would ever harm me again. I wish I had moved in with him a long time ago.

We walked back to the bedroom, & he helped me put most of my things away. After we were done with that, we went to watch TV.
He was on his laptop, checking out the news while I watched some lame old movie that was on. I swear there was never anything good on at night. I almost broke down & started watching some infomercial that was playing. & It wasn't even an interesting one. It was about vacuums.

"Hey, it looks like they're closing down that g-..." he started, then stopped.

"They're closing down what?"

"Nothing. Nevermind."

I was confused. "Jackson. Why can't you tell me what's being closed down?"

"Please just forget I was saying anything about it." he pleaded.

"You know that's not going to happen."

He sighed & ran his hand through his hair. "They're closing that old gym downtown.."

"Oh." Now I got why he didn't want to tell me. I almost regretted making him tell me.

A strong arm wrapped around my waist, the other around my mouth.

I shivered, & quickly cleared my mind of those thoughts. That gym should just be burned down to the ground. I refused to ever drive downtown, because I never wanted to see that gym again. If I had never started going there in the first place, he wouldn't have ever laid his filthy green eyes on me. He would have never taken me. I felt sick.

I threw a hand over my mouth & ran to the bathroom. I started to dry heave over the toilet. Jackson ran in after me & pulled my hair back just in case I started to really throw up. After a few seconds of just dry heaving, I sat back on my knees. Jackson sat down on the floor next to me.

"Madison, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"I know you didn't. It was my fault. I shouldn't have made you tell me."

"You didn't make me."

"I feel like I did."

"I promise you didn't."

He pulled me up into his arms & just held me for a few minutes. I should be happy that the gym downtown is closing. It doesn't hold a single good memory for me. I needed to stop thinking about it, though.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, & I let out a sigh. I had a feeling it was Joel, & I really didn't want to read whatever he had to say. He never had anything good to say. I pulled my phone out of my pocket & handed it to Jackson.

"Will you read the text I just got? I'm sure it's just from Joel."

He nodded & opened the message. I watched as his jaw clenched, & he looked totally pissed.

"What did he say now?" I asked.

"You probably shouldn't read it."

"Why? Has he seen me out in town or is he threatening to see me soon?"

"No. He's threatening to take you."


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