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2 Weeks Later

Madison's POV

Jackson & I were sitting on the couch, eating ice cream, & laughing at the movie we were watching. It felt so nice to just sit here with him like we always do. After Jackson had rescued me, I had spent a week in the hospital. He was by my side the whole time. I think he had been afraid to leave me alone.

Thanks to Joel, I had received a small concussion on the back of my head, & a few cracked ribs. I still had bruises everywhere. Jackson still had a bruise on his face. But, it was yellow now, so I knew it was almost healed.

Joel had been sentenced to life in prison, with no bail. It turns out that I hadn't been the only girl that he had stalked & kidnapped. Three other girls had been taken by him. It made me feel sick to think that those poor girls had been through the same thing I had gone through. Thankfully they had all made it back to their families.

Knowing I'd never see Joel again had me feeling relief like I'd never felt before. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I had nothing left to be afraid of. It was an almost overwhelming feeling. & Because of that, I hadn't had a single nightmare in two weeks. I couldn't have been happier about it. It was nice to get full nights of sleep. & I'm sure Jackson liked it also. Not that he'd ever say so.

I looked over at him, & watched as he laughed. I loved him so much.

"I know you're staring at me." he said, looking over at me.

I laughed. "I won't deny it."

"Any reason for that?"

"Oh, there's plenty. But, none right now. I just wanted to look at your pretty face." I joked.

"I would tickle you if your ribs weren't sore."

"That's too bad for you then, isn't it?" I laughed.

He laughed with me. "You have a pretty smart mouth on you."

"I know I do." I said, smiling.

He leaned over & kissed me softly. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared."

"I know. I'll never scare you like that again."

"I know, baby." he said, pulling me closer.

"Kolt was scared also. You should have seen him."

"I believe you. I got an earful from him already. He said I'm not allowed outside by myself after dark. & If someone hits my car again, I'm supposed to just drive away as fast as I can."

Jackson laughed. "I can see him saying that. & I think this whole thing has made him more determined to get to Willow. I seriously think he's about to camp out on her porch."

"I'll be taking pictures if he does that."

"I bet you would."

"I need hard proof that he can be a sweet guy."

We laughed & went back to watching our movie.


Today, Kolten was moving out. I knew it was kind of a bittersweet moment for the brothers. They had been living together for years. Jackson & I helped Kolten haul all of his furniture outside & into a truck. He didn't have much, but I knew it was enough for him.

"Do you need our help over at your apartment?" Jackson asked Kolten.

"Nah. The boys are meeting me there. Thanks, though." Kolten replied.

"Anytime, bro." Jackson said, pulling Kolten in for a hug.

I whipped my phone out & took a picture. At the sound of the camera shutter, they pulled apart & stared at me. "What?" I asked.

Kolten laughed & came over to me. He gently grabbed my shoulder & pulled me into an embrace. I would definitely miss having him around all the time. His aura of happiness seemed to reach out to everyone, & that was something I had always liked about him.

"I really hope everything works out for you.. Kolt." I said.

"Thanks, Madison. I hope it will... Wait." He said, pulling back. "Did you just call me Kolt?"

I threw my head back & laughed. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too short stuff."

Kolten grabbed his keys from his pocket, & jumped into his truck. Jackson & I stood in the driveway, & waved to him as he left. I laid my head against Jackson's chest.

"I hope Kolten finds all the happiness that I know is waiting for him." I said.

"I know he will. He's a Gaines brother."

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