Chapter 4

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James’ POV

A few hours ago, I was in my office at the pack house, talking to my mate’s best friend, Jane about Katie, my mate. A few years ago, I was grieving and hurt and sad and was suffering from the loss of my mate and I also changed back to the real me and grew up as a person and now, I was on a plane to get my mate back.

There were only a couple of minutes more until the plane landed in Italy and I sat there in my seat, and in my pocket was the ring I was going to give her the day my parents passed. I opened the tine velvet box and in it was an engagement ring I had specially made for her. It had a white-gold band with little 2-karat diamonds around the edge of the moonstone that acted as the cherry on the top.

“What a beautiful ring,” a guy who sat next to me said. “For your girlfriend?”

I nodded and smiled at the ring. “Yeah, she’s been gone for a long time so I’m going to Italy to bring her home.” I told him.

“Good luck. She’s going to be the luckiest girl in the whole world.” he said, shaking my hand.

“Thanks but you’re wrong. I’m the lucky one.” And I was. Whose mate would stand by them when they were betrayed and hurt for so many years and would still love them no matter what? Katie was one in a million and I wasn’t going to lose her.

Katie’s POV

I looked at my wristwatch and by that time, his plane would already have landed in the airport and knowing James, he’s probably inside the airport looking for me. My pulse was racing and my hands started to sweat. I could barely contain my excitement to see him but I was nervous too. I hadn’t seen James for two years now and I was nervous to what I was going to say when I see him. What would he say? What would I say?!

I stood in front of the line of people waiting for their loved ones to come through the airport exit. From far, I could already see the crowds of people walking towards the exit but even with my werewolf sight, I couldn’t spot James. My wolf and I whimpered. He probably hated me for leaving and didn’t want to come. I looked down and waited for a full 10 minutes and he was still not there so I waited a full 3 hours until only a little people were around me. I felt so hurt and sad. I felt like my heart had been crushed and been beaten brutally several times and I refused to feel that way anymore. Feeling like my world had just been destroyed, I decided to leave.

As I turned to walk away, I felt someone’s arms around me, pulling me until I met with someone’s hard chest. I knew who he was the minute his arms touched my skin and it sent warm tingles through me and the familiar scent alone was a dead giveaway. I felt tears coming out of my eyes and a smile creeping out to my face.

“I’m sorry I’m late... my flight was delayed,” he murmured against my hair. “I’m sorry for making you wait.” His voice was as melodic and sexy as ever.

I turned around in his arms and hugged him tightly. All I wanted to do was cry into his chest and tell him how much I love and missed him but not yet. I looked up at him, teary eyes and all and smiled. “Thank you for answering.”

He had a lop-sided grin on his face. “Always, love. Always.” James brought his hands up to my cheek and pulled me close and kissed me. I had missed those lips of his so much. I sighed as his lips moved against mine in sync and the way he tasted to me made me go weak in the knees. I was happy being in his arms and I never wanted to be apart from him again.

“I love you so much. I’m so sorry, Katie. I love you. I love you, so, so much. Don’t you ever run away from me like that ever again.” he said, kissing me fervently on my face.

I giggled and wiped my tears away. “I love you too, James. I missed you so much.”

“Me too. I can’t live without you ever again, Katie. You once rejected my proposal and told me to ask again, so...” James got down on one knee and took out a small velvet box and showed me the ring inside it. It was the ring I saw outside a jewelry shop when we went window shopping on our first date. I couldn’t believe he bought it! I was the happiest girl in the world. “Will you marry me, Katie?”

I squealed before he stood up and then I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. “YES! YES! YES!!!” James put the ring around my finger and I kissed him one more time and said, “Thank you for coming for me, James. I love you.”

“No, thank  you for waiting for me, Katie. I don’t deserve you but I’ll do everything I can to make up for it,” he said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I shook my head. “You made up for it all by coming for me, moving on for me and making me the happiest person on earth! You came and answered my call when I waited for you. It’s all I ever wanted.”

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