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A/N okay, it's 5:20am but I'm not going back to sleep cos i had a really disturbing nightmare, so I thought I might as well write.


[The Doctor's POV]

We push open the doors together and step out onto the new terrain. All that can be seen is a vast expanse of rocky earth in every direction. I look up and see the bright red sky above us, but the sky is also empty.

"That's a bit boring," I mutter, looking across to Clara who looks vaguely interested in our surroundings. She crouches down, picks up some rock and plays with it, throwing it from hand to hand. When she drops it she frowns slightly and place her hand on the floor.

"Doctor?" She says quietly, sounding confused, "look at this..." So I crouch down next to her and place my hand flat on the ground next to hers.

"feel that?" She asks and I nod in reply.

"The ground is warm..." I say, voicing our thoughts. She nods and I stand up slowly. I start pacing in front of her.

"The ground is warm. What does that mean?" I ask, but continue, giving her no time to answer, "it means that there is some form of heat below the surface... Some sort of heat source. What could it be?" She stands up too, not even bothering to try and answer me this time, "well, it could be a large ball of magma, at the centre of the planet... Or maybe just below us, like on earth where you have all the tectonic plates floating on magma... But maybe the plates on this planet are thinner, so the heat can rise up through them... It could also mean that at the moment it's night time but during the day there is a huge sun, or many suns, heating the planet so much that the ground feels warm even when the suns aren't there," I look towards Clara who is now deep in thought. Once she realises I stopped talking she snaps out of it and looks back to me.

"What were you thinking about, Clara?" I ask her.

"Oh nothing much, I was just trying to remember a dream I had once, not long after I met you actually. We were on a planet similar to this one, and the ground was warm and you were wondering why it was and then the ground sort of s..." She trails off and places a finger to her lips. There is a low rumbling noise, coming from quite far away, "there it is again... That noise... A low rumbling, like an earthquake but not... Anyway, my dream... In my dream the ground s-" this time the noise is louder and it cuts her of. It doesn't stop too, it just gets louder and louder, and that's when I see it, the glowing, yellow-red goo seeping out of a huge crack in the ground. As the noise gets louder, the crack gets closer and the scorching lava spreads more. The crack appears to be heading strait for us but were both frozen to the floor.

"...splits..." Clara whispers, finishing her earlier sentences.

"IN THE TARDIS, NOW!!!" I scream, to be heard over the defining rumbling sound. We both turn and run for the TARDIS, grabbing the door handles and swinging the doors open, then we fall inside and the doors close behind us. I turn to Clara and that's when I realise... There is no 'we'

The TARDIS has locked her out again. I can hear her screaming outside.

"OPEN THE DOORS NOW TARDIS! CLARA COULD DIE OUT THERE AND IT'LL BE YOUR FAILT!!!" I scream, angrier than ever before, yet the doors stay locked. I grab the handle and try to pull them open myself but it's no good. They don't budge.

[Clara's POV]

He left me. The doctor left me out here to die. It's like he doesn't even care about me. I thought I was special, I know he is definitely special to me but I was warned about this. I still remember talking to his other companions, like Rose Tyler and Martha Jones. Most of them said the same thing. Something along the lines of 'you have to move on because one day he will, and he won't take you with him.'

All I can hear is the rumbling noise. It's getting closer and closer, the lava is spreading further and here I am, thrown out of the fairy tale life with no chance of living.

[The Doctor's POV]

She's stopped screaming. Why has she stopped screaming? Is she dead? What's happening?

"OPEN THE DOORS!!!" I rattle them again, "THIS ISN'T FUNNY TARDIS!" Then the TARDIS replies. She tells me that it's not her fault. The the doors can't open because a greater force is holding them closed.

"Okay," I say, calmer now, "sorry I shouted at you, I'm just very worried about my- about Clara, that's all,"

[Clara's POV]

I can't take it. I can't stand the heat anymore. I fall to my knees by the TARDIS doors and burst into tears.

"Goodbye doctor," I whisper, knowing that even if he wanted to save me, the heat would be too much and I won't see him again. I need water. I'm so thirsty, and too hot. The lava is about 100 metres away from me now and it's slowly getting closer and closer and closer and closer. All I can see through the tears is the faint glow from the lava coming closer and closer. The word fills my mind. Closer. All I can think about is the lava. Then I start getting flash backs to my dream. It's exactly the same. The huge crack. The lava. The doctor leaving me... And then I woke up. But not this time. This time is real. This time I can't just wake up and be safe, knowing its all just a dream. Because it's not.

[The Doctor's POV]

I'm a bit calmer now. I'm still very worried about my beautiful- about Clara. I can see her in my mind. Those beautiful brown eyes, so innocent and sweet. Her pink lips, smiling slightly. I can hear her voice in my head too, willing me to carry on. I could give up but I won't. I would never give up on my impossible girl. Never.

I shake my head quickly to clear my thoughts then run back to the doors. Still no use. I run back again, looking at the computer screen. If only there was some way to override the system... I can see her eyes again... And her lips and- oh!

"If you save her you have more chance of getting that passionate kiss in the snow at midnight, under the light of the stars, surrounded by beautiful music, with no one to disturb you... And then the two of you could dance under the stars for hours and... And it could all be perfect..." I say to myself, imagining what I've always wanted to come true. I just need to open those doors!

[Clara's POV]

Too hot... Too too hot. Help. I need help. I can barely even think. I've lost my voice from crying and I'm too weak to stand. I can't see a thing through the tears anymore and the doctor is gone. I have no hope of living, I just hope it's a fast death. The lava is so close now. I can sense it. It's probably about 50 metres away. Too close. It's too close. I can't breath. The heat... It hurts to breath. I feel so light headed, the whole planet seems to be spinning around me but I'm lying on the floor, and it feels perfectly still. I take a shallow breath and wince in pain as I feel the heat scorching my lungs. I open my mouth and try to scream but my throat is so dry, no sound comes out. I clench my eyes shut and curl up into a little ball, I feel safest like this. I imagine The Doctor is here with me, hugging me and telling me everything will be okay, whilst I listen to his heartbeats. I guess he's long gone by now. I didn't hear the TARDIS leave but it must have gone as soon as I turned away because all I could hear was the deafening rumbling noise. I open my eyes and try to wipe away the tears and clear my vision but it's all blurred anyway. It must be about 40 metres away now and coming closer every second. I must say, this isn't how I saw my death. I always hoped it would be nice and peaceful and I never thought I would get burned alive on an alien planet! Every breath hurts more and more. I roll over to lie flat on my back because I'm too weak now to keep my self curled up anymore. My thoughts are all clouded. I can't think straight at all, and I can't see a thing apart from a blurry yellow glow. This is so horrible! My head kills too and every inch of my body is throbbing. I can hear my heart beat in my ears and my eyes sting so much! My head hurts and my eyes sting and my lungs burn all I can think about is the excruciating pain I'm in at the moment! Pain... I can't... Think. Breathing... It hurts. I need... My thoughts slowly quieten down and my vision slowly fades into darkness until there is nothing. No sound, no pain, nothing.


A/N haha! Cliff hanger! So, what do u think happened to Clara? How will the doctor take it? Will he be able to hear her dying wish?

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