Chapter 6

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A/N the way it's written for the next few chapters will be slightly different. Basically I'm picking a few random things from the list to write about cos I can't just end the story now, it would be too short, but I also can't write 101 things, cos

1. It would then be too long, and

2. I can't think of 101 things.


My bucket list.

4. Make a proper soufflé.


Clara and the doctor walked into the TARDIS' kitchen and the doctor got her to sit down at the table.

"Right," he said, "soufflés... Soufflés, soufflés, soufflés. To make a soufflé you need..." he stood up and walked to the fridge, "butter!" And he pulled a pack of butter out, "catch!" He shouted, throwing it to Clara. She squealed slightly as she caught it and put it on the table, "lemons!" He shouted, throwing two lemons to Clara, which she caught and put next to the butter, "eggs!" he shouted and-

"Stop!" The doctor froze and Clara continued, "don't throw the eggs. I'll drop them."

"Nonsense," he said, throwing one to Clara and sure enough, as she caught it, it broke.

"Right," she was pretending to be angry. She picked up and egg and threw it at The Doctor laughing. He threw one back soon it turned into a full on food fight.

A bit later River walked in, not looking pleased at all. The Doctor and Clara froze.

"Oh hi River... I was just teaching Clara how to make a soufflé... When the... The puffins materialised in here," he wasn't talking about the bird, he was talking about the small gnome like creatures from the planet puffet, "and you know how much of a mess they can make... They were throwing food everywhere. We tried to catch them, honest!"

"I still don't think I'd believe you, even if I didn't see you fire that tomato ketchup at Clara, and that is no way to treat your TARDIS. What do you say?"

"Sorry," he mumbled. It was barely audible.

"I can't hear you..."

"Sorry!" He said, a lot louder this time.

"Good, now sit down at the table, both of you," she said, and they both did so, hiding their childish smirks.

"The predator? The oncoming storm? Honestly. The intergalactic five year old, more like. I want you both to clean this mess up! I'll be waiting in the console room."

"Yes, River," they both said in time and River walked out. As soon as the door had closed they both burst into laughter.

"The intergalactic five year old, more like," said the doctor, mimicking River's voice. They both giggled again and Clara picked up an egg shell. She threw in in the bin and sighed.

"This'll take forever," she moaned and threw more shells away. The Doctor helped and eventually the room was clean. Clara was just wiping the table when The Doctor went out to get River.

When River came back, clara was sitting on a chair looking bored.

"If you like I'll teach you how to make a soufflé?" River suggested and Clara nodded happily.

"Well, you need eggs and..." The Doctor had stopped listening to them now and was walking back to the console room to have some 'alone time' with his TARDIS.

"Hello sexy! How are you?... Yeah, I'm fine apart from the fact that the girls are both in the kitchen making soufflés and I feel a bit left out, that's why I came to talk to you," he sat down and rested his head in his hands, "I'm kinda bored to be honest. I have to wait for them to finish but normally all I have to do is come to you and fly forwards in time a few minutes. I'm not good at being patient... At all." The TARDIS made a strange noise that only the doctor could understand and he stood up and adjusted his bow tie, "okay, I'll go to the library. Books are the best way to pass the time,"

He walked out and went through a few corridors until he got to a big door. He opened it and on the other side was a vast room filled with shelves of books. Millions and millions of them!

He walked towards a random shelf and picked a book off it. "Grimms fairy tales? Perhaps not..." And he put it back. He picked up another one off the shelf behind him. "50 shades of grey... Sounds interesting. I like human books," he said, flicking to the first page, "chapter one..." He read the first page and his expression turned to one of disgust. He threw the book to the floor shouting "eugh!!! Burn it!!! Burn it!!! That book shouldn't exist! Eughhhh!!!!" He rubbed his eyes and shaked his head quickly, "nooo! Ewww! Bad pictures in my head! Meh!!! I don't like human books any more!!! I'm never taking a book of that shelf again!!!" The door opened but he was too busy running around like a little child to notice, "eugh!!! Yucky human books!!! Buuuuurn iiiiit!!!!"

"Doctor?" Clara said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "what's wrong?"

"Human book... Images in my head... Eeewwww!!!" He squealed. Clara looked down to see the book lying on the floor. She picked it up and smirked,

"50 shades of grey? Why do you even have this?!"

"I... Ewww..." He squealed again and Clara giggled.

"Okay, never mind... Well, I made a soufflé... Do you want to try it? It may take your mind off the book," she suggested and ruffled the doctor's hair. He nodded and followed Clara out of the room, sulking.

They got back to the kitchen and Clara proudly pointed to her soufflé. The doctor tried a small amount and looked astonished,

"Clara! This is amazing!!!" He exclaimed before kissing her on the forehead. She blushed slightly but turned away to hide it.

"Thanks," she mumbled, "river helped me a bit."

"It's still delicious!" He shouted again, picking her up an spinning her round.

"Soufflé girl?" She asks, grinning.

"Soufflé girl," he agrees, kissing her cheek.


Yay! I can now, finally say I've made a successful soufflé, even if it wasn't The doctor teaching me - Clara


A/N confused??? Sorry, I was just randomly... Meh. Sorry it took so long too, I'll only write a few more chapters like this, then it'll go back to normal.

Bucket list - A Doctor Who fanfic - whoffleWhere stories live. Discover now