Chapter 8

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A/N So sorry it took so long :( I feel really bad. At first I couldn't think of anything to write, then the entire chapter got deleted, so now I'm (finally) writing it up again.

Anyway, because of that, this chapter is dedicated to @KaitlynOoten for giving me the idea :)


My bucket list:

39. Go to a normal alien planet, with no threats.


Clara woke up early, eager for The Doctor's return. She got ready and sat by the back door, listening out for the familiar sound of the TARDIS.

She was beginning to get bored when she finally heard it: the TARDIS. She leaped up from her seat and ran to open the door, running towards the strange spaceship just as The Doctor stepped out. She hugged him, before turning to close the door and following him into the TARDIS.

"So," he said, "where to today?"

Clara smirks at him an he raises an eyebrow.

"Or when?" He adds and Clara nods, grinning.

"I think we should go some place random, but with no threats or anything. None of you trying to save the world. Just a nice day out to an alien planet," she paused for a moment before adding, "that was such a strange sentence."

The Doctor ran around the console, pressing buttons and flicking switches until the TARDIS began to rock wildly and set off. He walked to the screen and read the strange jumble of circles and lines known as Circular Gallifreyan before announcing,

"We're off to the planet Adnarim. It's a planet made of rock that's a kind of red-orange colour... Sort of rusty. Um... Like mars! It has a nice market every Sunday where Adnarimians gather to do their weekly shopping. It's a very civilised planet, so there'll be no threats whatsoever." He smiled, looking proud of his knowledge, hoping Clara would be proud of him too, little did he know that she was always proud of him. The Doctor. Her Doctor.

The TARDIS rocked and swayed, making it hard to stay upright as it took them to their destination. Both passengers held tight to the handrails so as not to fall over until the ship came to a halt and all was calm once more.

The Doctor made his way to the two doors and when Clara was at his side, he pushed them open.

The sight before their eyes made Clara gasp. The earth was solid rock, the sky was an amazing purple colour. The place was full of tables and stalls and swarming with little blue creatures. The Adnarimians looked vaguely human, but they had oversized ears, large eyes and long arms making them look out of proportion. They were also about 3ft in height and had blue skin. It was very funny seeing them all wondering round the market.

Clara and The Doctor both strode off in different directions after seeing something on a stall that caught their eyes. The Doctor went to a small table with lots of strange inventions made by the Adnarimians and Clara went to a jewellery stall.

The jewellery they had was so different to what's on Earth. There were interesting stones all over the table that never seemed to stay still. Some were vibrating slightly, some were suddenly changing colour every second, and some were calmly fading from one colour to another; this made them seem like they were almost alive. Clara picked up a bracelet which was rocking from side to side. She looked closely at the small stones on it and saw they were all individually swaying slightly, which caused the bracelet to rock. She placed it back down on the table and picked up a necklace to look at. It had one large, flat stone on it. The surface of the stone seemed to be rippling like water, despite being solid, and was slowly fading from blue to green and back again. She ran her finger down the smooth surface of the stone when she heard a shout.

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