Chapter 1

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A/N so I had this idea for a new fanfic whilst I was at school. I told my friend, who loves writing fanfics and she said she would write it for me. I agreed but also decided to do my own... So here it is!


[Clara's POV]

'With your sweet friend, through time you fly, but the fun will end. soon your friend will die'

I wake with a start, sitting bolt up right. I keep getting that dream. That same dream. The one where I'm traveling with the doctor, and this alien thing points at me and says this poem about me dying and it's made me kinda scared lately. I don't ever want this to end. Waking up an wondering where or when the TARDIS will take us. It's just so... Thrilling! Being able to go anywhere through time and space. At times it can be scary and dangerous but a little danger has never stopped me before! I lie down and try to get back to sleep again. I close my eyes and slowly drift off.


My alarm clock goes off at 7:00 and I go to my window to see what I love seeing every morning. The doctor waiting for me by the TARDIS.

I pull on some clothes and run downstairs, grabbing an apple as I run through the kitchen. The whole of time and space, and home in time for tea. I am still getting used to it. It just seems so... Impossible. I smile as I remember my nickname, the impossible girl.

I unlock the door, walk out and go to the TARDIS where the doctor is waiting.

"Hey swe-" he stops to clear his throat, "Clara. How are you?"

"We're you about to call me sweet heart?" I ask smirking and ignoring his question completely. He blushes, so I take it as a yes but he shakes his head slowly and says,

"What? No. I was... Uh... Well, I was just... You know... Um... Just..." It was fun seeing him lost for words. It doesn't always happen, but the TARDIS interrupted him by making a strange noise, "better go and see what that is!" He says turning on his heels and running inside... I swear I heard him mutter thanks to the machine before I went in... Hmm.

"So, where are we off to?" I ask And he gives me a, now well known, look. "Ah, when are we off to?" I correct and he smiles... Almost looking proud.

"Well, on the planet Magniritof, in the northern galaxy of Eprothiap, in the year 275, there was an amazing meteor shower. It was so colourful and it lasted two whole weeks! I though I would take you to see that?"

"Oh wow!" I say and he looks happy. I can't explain the look on his face really but when he saw I was happy his whole face lit up. He is so... So beautiful. Like some sort of god, how his hair is just so perfect, and his eyes... And-

"Clara?" And his voice is defiantly perfe- oh god... He saw me when I was... And he noticed when I... Oh god...

"Y-yes?" Oh god, oh god, oh god!

"Are you quite finished staring at me?" No. Not at all. I would do it all day if you'd let me, you beautiful, god like creature.

"What? Yeah, sorry I was... Ehm... I... Well you know... I was-"

"Meteor shower?" He asks cutting me of. He's smirking. He is smirking! Oh the-

"Yeah, sorry," I hold on to the bar at the side as the TARDIS rocks about, taking us all the way to the planet Mag... Magni... To our destination.

It stops after a while and the doctor walks to the door. I stand next to him and he takes my hand, pushing the doors open with the other. The sight I'm met with is truly amazing. I step out onto the soft earth, almost like cotton wool, and gasp. I look up at the sky and see the streaks of colour flying through the almost dark purple abyss. I look across and see a huge planet. It's a light grey-yellow colour, slightly stripy, with rings a bit like Saturn. I look back at the coloured lights flashing through the sky and then look back to The Doctor. I meet his gaze and he squeezes my hand gently and whispers,

"The best bit is yet to come,"

He takes me away from the TARDIS and we sit down on the soft ground alone. It's unbelievable. There is an amazing light show in the sky, yet we're the only ones watching from here.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask and the doctor looks at me, with an unknown look in his eyes.

"They're all watching from another place. Barely anyone else comes up this hill, I have no clue why."

We just lie there, side by side, laughing and watching as pinks, yellows, reds, any colour you can think of, flash through the sky. It's so different to earth, where the meteor showers don't last long at all and there all only one colour. This makes it seem boring.

I start getting tired, and when I yawn, the doctor picks up on that and sits up.

"Shall we go back?" He asks and I nod tiredly. He helps me up and we both walk back to the TARDIS to go back home. Once inside, he flicks a few switches, presses a few buttons and instead of rocking wildly back and forth, the TARDIS just sways gently. I sit down and sigh. He soon sits next to me and I rest my head on his shoulder, feeling really tired.

"You okay sleepy head? I've set the TARDIS to go slower. It won't rock around so much now."

"Why don't you always do that?" I complain and he just shrugs.

"Takes longer," he mumbles and that's all I remember before waking up in my bed with him sat on a chair next to it. He smiles his wonderful smile and adjusts his bow tie.

"What...?" I mumble in my morning voice and he smiles again. Oh how I love that smile.

"You fell asleep on my shoulder and when we got here I didn't want to wake you... So I carried you inside to let you sleep," I nod and curl up again.

"It's too early," I say and fall asleep again.


A/N okay, so how's the first chapter? Do you like it? Sorry if it's a bit rubbish. I started writing this at 11:30pm and I only thought of the idea at school. I'm tired now so bye ;)

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