A year after the wedding

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It's been almost a year after our wedding. We still have no kids. Alli got married to Eli. Kelly got married to Matt and Melissa got married to Bryler.  My job has been really good. I love it.

I am kinda thinking I'm pregnant. While Preston was at work I went and  got some of those pregnancy things. I took one. It came out positive. I took 5 and they all came out positive. I wasn't going to get to excited. I wanted to go to the doctors office first to get it checked. I had an appointment today so I had the day off. I went to the doctor  and I was getting ready for an ultrasound. When the doctor came in I was sitting on the table. She told me to lay down and pull my shirt up to just above the top of my ribs. She put some weird jelly stuff and took out the machine. She told me I was about three weeks pregnant.  I could not wipe the smile off my face. Now I had to tell Preston. 

   When Preston got home I had decorated our house in pink and blue streamers and balloons. I got a poster board and wrote on it," Am I a boy, or am I a girl?"   He just smiled and laughed. He was do happy. He didn't believe me that I was pregnant at first so I showed him the ultrasound. " how is that for an anniversary present?" " amazing! I love you Maci."  Let's go out to dinner. He brought me a bouquet of roses. He made me so happy. I didn't tell him that I was having twins, I was going to surprise him when he came with me three weeks from now.

     We went to dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe. This meant we had 8 months to get all the baby stuff like the a crib and a changing table. The way I was going to tell the girls at work was going to be cool. Kelly got a job as a main vet there. I was super proud of my friend. We had been friends from the time we were 12 years old. I got a poster board on my way home from dinner. I put on it, " one of us is pregnant, can you guess who?" I went to work early and put the sign up in the lunch room.

   When lunch time came around I was super hungry and craving, oddly, chocolate and pickles. I just had my sandwich and no one had figured out yet who was pregnant. They were all assuming it was me cause they all knew it wasn't them. After ten minutes of the guessing game I got up and flipped it over and it had a huge picture of my ultrasound on it. They all read what it said underneath. It said, " now you know it's me, I need names and guesses for gender." They were all super happy. I got a hug from all of them. It was super sweet. They made jars for names for a boy and a jar with names for girls. They also made a guess a gender jar. They all contributed five names to each jar. Then they put one in the gender jar. They were so much fun to be around.

    Kelly took me out to dinner and we had a nice dinner. I thanked her and we hugged for a long time, then I whispered in her ear," You like cows." That was a joke we had when we were younger. We both burst out laughing and then we hugged one more time before she left. I went inside and me and Preston went through the jars.

Gender jar
7 girls
3 boys

Favorite girl names
Katherine(Katy for short)
Favorite boy names

No matter if they were girls or boys I was excited. We went to the store and got a crib and we got a changing table and dopers and wipes. We went to the fabric store and got a multigender blanket. We got a horse material and put a light brown on the back. I got enough to make two. We went to another store and got a car seat and a highchair. I got a couple little toys and small stuff like that. I was super excited to be a mom. 

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