Home Wrecker

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Nyla- Oh! Rocky likes Indie!
Ind- *Giggles* I don't care Roc! I'm not losing this bet!
Roc- What are you talking about!?!

Ind- Roc! This is all for the bet! You don't care nor do you like me! And I don't like you either!
Roc- India! I do have feelings for you....all those times I've shoved you into the locker I just didn't know what to say to you I may even love you!

Ind- *Laughs* Bye Roc!
Roc- India! Don't Ha~


Tyra- What did she say?
Roc- *Takes his phone from his ear and holds it at his side* She thought...I was lying!
Tyra- Your such a ass Trey!

Roc- *Snaps out off his day dream and looks at her and smiles* Okay mom! I'm an ass! That's like saying my mothers not a home wrecker! *Walks towards the door*
Tyra- *Mouth hangs open*

Roc- I'm gonna go find India.I care about her! And Nyla! This your fault.You made her this way!

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