Getting out of Dan's car on Monday morning, we were greeted by Tyler.
"Good morning guys," He said.
"Morning, I'll see you guys at lunch. Bye." And with that I was heading into school to meet my friends.
Ever since Saturday when I realised my feelings for Tyler I'd been sending him short text replies, most consisting of a few words. I thought it would help distance myself from him. This whole thing was suppose to be like a friends with benefits thing and that didn't include feelings.
When I got to the hallway where my locker was located I saw Piper and Sally waiting for me. We'd had a movie day yesterday just the three of us, with lots of junk food and boy talk but no contact with any. That included my brother so I threw him out the house for the day.
"Hey girlies." I said as I reached them and my locker.
"Hey, did you see Paul on your way here?" Sally asks me.
"No why?" I asked putting my books for the first couple of lessons into my bag.
"He hasn't been feeling too good this weekend, was wondering if he has come in today." She tells us, looking at her phone.
"We'll find out at lunch, come on lets get to class." Piper says turning to walk down the hall as I close my locker.
After third lesson me and the girls head to the lunchroom and join the dinner line.
"I could eat a horse, I'm starving." Piper tells us looking to see what was on the menu today.
Me and Sally just look at each other and shake our heads. Piper was the lucky one out of the group. She could eat anything and still stay thin. Me and Sally had to keep off the weight in other ways.
I picked up a diet coke and a burrito before paying and heading towards the table. When it came in view I nudged Sally. Paul was sat there like his usual self, laughing at the conversation. A smile immediately made it's way onto her face.
When we reached the table Sally sat in the seat Paul had saved for her and Piper did the same next to Dan. There was a seat available next to Tyler but as I was keeping my distance I went and sat next to Sally. He gave me a weird look before looking down at his phone. A few seconds later mine vibrated in my pocket.
Tyler: Why you sitting over there?
Sammy: Because I want to sit here. Is there a problem with that?
Tyler: No, just I was saving this seat for you but if you wanna sit with your friends that's fine.
Instead of replying I locked my phone and started to eat my burrito and joined in the conversation with Sally and Paul.
"So did you have fun on Friday night Sam?" Paul asked me.
"Yeah I did, Thanks for the invite." I said smiling at him.
"Anytime. Hey Sal, wanna go for a walk?" He said turning to face her.
"Sure." She accepted. He help her up and they said their goodbyes before leaving the cafeteria.
I carried on eating my food and joining in small conversations here and there until I felt someone take Sally's seat beside me. I turned to see who it was and came face to face with Tyler.
"You ok?" He asked me.
"Yeah fine, why wouldn't I be?" I asked taking a sip of my drink.
"You just seem off today, you didn't exactly hang around long this morning." He said
"I needed to get to my locker before the bell rung. Your looking into things too much." I said
"Ok if you say so. Can I drive you home?" He asked with a smile.
"What about Dan?"
"He's taking Piper out. Didn't you know?
"No I didn't. Hey Dan do I need to get a different ride home today?" I asked across the table to my brother.
"Oh yeah, sorry Sammy I forgot to tell you. I'm taking Piper out." He said with a sorry look.
"Ok," I turned away from him to look back at Tyler, "Yes you can drive me home."
"Great, I'll see u by my car after school." With that the bell rung and we all headed off to our last lesson.
So much to keeping my distance.
When the final bell of the day rang I went to my locker to get anything I needed for homework before heading to the car park to meet Tyler. When I got to his car he was leaning against the boot waiting for me.
"Hey beautiful." He said as I reached him.
I looked around and thankfully there was no one near that would be able to hear the compliment. "Hey."
He got off the boot and opened the car door for me and waited for me to slide in before closing the door and rounding the car to get in himself. He started the engine and pulled out of the car park, Putting the radio on in the process.
Once we were out of the school car park, he put one hand onto my thigh and drove one handed.
"Don't you need both your hands to make sure we don't crash? I asked him.
The heat of his hand on my bare skin was sending sparks through my body. I didn't think this would happen when I put on my floral skirt this morning.
"If I need this hand I'll take it off your thigh, other than that it's staying exactly where it is." He told me turning his head towards me.
"Eyes on the road mister. So how was your day?" I asked him.
"It was ok, teachers mostly talking about college as we have to decide where we want to go soon. The deadlines in two weeks."
I'd totally forgot that Tyler and Dan would be going off to college in the fall. Me and my brother had hardly talked about where he was going to accept to go as it kept turning into an argument. That also meant if acceptance letters had to be in sent within the next two weeks that prom and graduation would be happening in the next month.
"Do you know where u want to go?" I asked him.
"It's between two." He told me turning onto my street.
"Which are?" I asked. I didn't know if I was sad or ok that he could be living hours away from me next year.
"Secret, I'm not telling anyone till graduation day. Me and the boys had an agreement." He says pulling into my driveway. He gets out and opens my door for me.
"You coming in?" I ask him.
"Sure, Dan shouldn't be back for a while."
I walk up to the door and unlock it. I step into the house with Tyler hot on my heels. As soon as I close the door he pins me up against it and kisses me.
"God, I've been wanting to do that all day." He say after a few minutes of kissing.
Within them few minutes I made a decision. I didn't want to stay away from Tyler, I liked the feeling too much.
"Wanna go up to my room?"
(A/N Hey guys, so there is a big plot line to this story that will be revealed soon. You probably won't be able to guess it cos I haven't left many clues and the ones I have aren't obvious but you'll find out soon enough.
Also sorry for not updating for ages but I had no ideas for this chapter. How I write chapters is I get an idea and just roll with it from there. Chapters aren't pre planned and wrote before posting. I just get an idea and write whatever comes to mind. So I'm sorry for not updating in a while.
Anyway the picture attached is Lucy hale who I've put as Sammy. Remember comment like and vote.)

Sleeping with my brothers best friend
Teen FictionSammy is the younger sister of the star quarterback. She's a good girl and quiet reserved. Or so you think until you really get to know her. She's really quite outgoing and isn't afraid of trying something new. Tyler is the best friend of the star...