As it was coming up to the end of the year the end of the sporting seasons were coming up. As football finishes just after Christmas the only one we were really bothered about was the baseball season as Paul was the captain. And the last game was tonight.
Today was Wednesday and all the boys had got their acceptance letters Monday night yet they weren't telling us or each other where they were going as a part of their stupid pact they'd made to tell everyone at graduation. We'd be begging them all day yesterday and today but no one was saying anything.
Anyway I was getting ready to go to the game. I choose out my brothers old football jersey that he'd given to me. It was his freshman one so it no longer fitted him but it still fitted me. I put a black vest top underneath it so the white number would stand out better on the red mesh material. Then I paired it up with a pair of white shorts and white Nikes.
Once I was dressed I put my hair into a fishtail braid and applied simple make up. As soon as I was happy with my appearance I went downstairs so me and Dan could set off. Piper and Tyler said they'd meet us there and Sally stayed at school to watch the guys practise so she was getting our seats.
"I'm ready." I say to my brother grabbing my leather jacket from the hook by the door.
"Ok lets go." He says getting up from the sofa and following me out the house, locking the door behind us.
He unlocks the car and I climb into the passenger seat automatically connecting my phone to the aux ready to choose a song when the engine is turned on. Dan sighs when he see's I've beaten him to it but he doesn't moan, just puts on his seatbelt and sets off back to school.
15 minutes later we're parking in the school car park and walking to the baseball pitch. When we get there Tyler and Piper are waiting for us by the gate. I hug Piper hello and then her and Dan walk in front to find sally and our seats.
"Do I not get a hug?" Tyler asks.
"No, not when we're in public you don't." I say shaking my head.
"No fair." He says pouting.
"Life isn't fair buddy." I say patting his back in a sarcastic way.
"Well can I say you look hot then?" He asks
"Sure you can as long as you say it so only I hear." I tell him.
He bends down to my height and whispers in my ear, "Looking hot, do you want my jersey to?"
"I'd love it." I say truthfully.
"Then it's yours." He says.
Before I can say thank you we reached our seats. I hug Sally hello before seating down. Tyler sat next to Dan so I was on the end of the row. I hadn't had any tea before coming out and I'd only eaten a sandwich at lunch.
"Hey how long till the game starts?" I ask.
"About 15 minutes why?" Dan asks me.
"I'm hungry, gonna get some snacks. Anybody want anything.?" I ask but hoping they'll say no.
But instead of that happening they start listing things off and by the end I have an actual list on my phone notes.
"I'll come with, you won't be able to carry all that by yourself." Tyler says getting up.
"Thanks." I say walking back down the bleachers.
As we are walking to the snack stand we pass the break where you can get behind the bleachers and Tyler quickly pulls me in when no one is looking. I look at him surprised but before I can say anything he kisses me. I kiss him back and he licks my bottom lip to ask for entrance. I let him and he takes dominance straight away. I run my fingers through his hair and he hold my waist and the back of my head.
After about 5 minutes of making out we break apart and I'm panting and his hair is a mess. We sort ourselves out quickly.
"There now I'll be able to get through this without going mad but I'm picking you up later. Come on we better get these snacks." Tyler says leading the rest of the way to the stand.
We get all the cans of soda and packets of sweets and put them in Tyler's backpack that he brought with him then we carry the hot food in our hands. As I pull out my money, Tyler stops me by handing over the money saying, "Keep the change," and with that we walk back to our seats.
When we get there we hand out everything to the people that asked for it then I sit down and dig into my hot dog, savouring every bite. When I've finished the girl, Dan and Tyler are staring and laughing at me.
"What? Have I got something on my face?" I ask wiping it quickly.
"No, that was just the funniest thing we've ever seen. You looked like you haven't eaten in days." Piper tells me, still laughing.
"Oh shut up, the games about to start." I say turning to look at the pitch and drinking my drink.
Coming up to the last couple of minutes the scores are neck and neck and there's just Paul left to bat. He steps up to the base and gets into position ready to swing and hit the ball. We are all on the edge of our seats along with the rest of our school. If he hits this far enough he could get a home run and win his last game as captain.
The baller throws it and it rushes towards Paul's waiting bat. He swings and as they make contact a loud bang echo's around the silent arena. He drops the bat and runs the quickest I've ever seen him run at these matches. He make it to half way between second and third base when someone finally gets the ball in their hands. The person who gets it throws it but just before the person on fourth base catches it Paul skids onto the base, beating the ball and winning the match.
Every person from our school on the bleachers gets up and cheers and then we all start running onto the pitch. Everyone is running towards Paul but we push our way through and get to him before everyone is crowded around him. He picks Sally up and spins her around before kissing her. When they break apart me and Piper hug him and the guys do the guy handshake/hug in congratulations. Then his team come and pick him and we all just laugh.
Later that night at around 11 my phone vibrated on my bedside table. I picked it up and saw I had a text message. I unlocked my phone and read it.
Tyler: I'm outside in my car, come out.
I was already dressed under my duvet, all I had to do was slip my feet into my converse. As I opened my bedroom door I could hear my brother snoring down the hall and I knew he was out for the night. I crept down the stairs, out the door and went to Ty's car. As I was about to get in he got out.
"Back seat." He said opening the door and slipping in.
I followed him and as soon as I shut the door he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me so I was straddling him. We joined lips automatically and he entered my mouth and took dominance just like he had at the baseball game. As we kissed I unzipped his jeans and he moved my knickers aside. When I'd got home I changed from my shorts to a skirt. When I'd got his boxers off he rolled a condom on and I lowered myself onto him.
I started to bounce on him as he thrust into me. With our matching pace it made me moan his name loud and every now and then he spank my ass.
"You looked so hot tonight." He tells me in a breathy tone.
"Well thanks, don't stop." I moaned as he hit my g-spot.
"Don't worry I wasn't going to." He whispers in my ear as the pace of his thrust pick up pace.
Soon after we both come to our climax and moan each others names loud. As soon as we're back to normal I get off him and we sorted ourselves out. I quickly got out of his car and he followed me out. He quickly kissed me and we said goodbye before he got back in the front and drove off. I entered the house, went to my room, changed into some sleep shorts and one of my brothers old t-shirts and went to sleep.
(A/N hope you liked this chapter. I'm sorry I didn't really focus on the details of the baseball game, I don't know anything about the game so yeah. So apart from that what are everyone's thoughts on this chapter? The picture is Sammy (Lucy hale) Remember to comment, like and vote)

Sleeping with my brothers best friend
Teen FictionSammy is the younger sister of the star quarterback. She's a good girl and quiet reserved. Or so you think until you really get to know her. She's really quite outgoing and isn't afraid of trying something new. Tyler is the best friend of the star...