Chapter 15

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Me and the girls walked to the lunch hall together and joined the lunch line. "So Sam, who have you got your eye on?" Piper asks me.

"Erm I don't really have anyone at the moment, why?" I ask.

"Well Prom is in a month, people are gonna start asking soon and you don't want to not have a date do you?" Sally asks.

I hadn't even thought about Prom. Would me and Tyler go together or with other people. Who knows, I didn't want to ask him what was happening and look desperate, but if I didn't ask him at all would it look like I didn't care?

"Who knows girl, anyway it's a month, plenty of time." I say.

"If your sure." Piper says.

We all grab something to eat and head over the table. When we get there we only see the girls but no lads.

"Where is everyone?" I ask one of the cheerleaders.

"They said they had something to do but we'd see them soon, Dan also said can Piper sit so she can see the stage." She tells us.

"Ok, thanks." I look at Sally and Piper weirdly.

Piper gores to sit near the end of the table facing the direction of the stage and We sit across from her. We start eating our lunch and just chat about random stuff when Uncover by Zara Larsson starts playing on the school sound system.

Piper looks up. "This is mine and Dan's song.

She looks towards the stage and so do me and Sally. There is the football team and Paul dancing a routine with the Dance Team. I couldn't help but laugh because Tyler looked so uncomfortable. He wasn't used to dancing and if he was it was mostly just grinding himself against a girl at a party. I looked at the rest of the guys on the stage but I couldn't see my brother anywhere.

 After the chorus Tyler ran over to the table and took Piper's hand. He lead her to the table in front of the stage and sat her down before joining everyone back on stage. As the last verse started Dan entered onto the stage in a tux and a bouquet of white roses in his hand. He went to the centre, right in front of Piper and waited for the song to finish. When It had he began to talk.

"Piper, I know we haven't been together long, a month to be exact but I just wanted to say something, I love you."

We saw Piper's hands fly to her mouth and me and Sally let out little squeals where as every other girl around us awhed. My brother waited till everyone went quiet again before speaking up again.

"You'd make me the happiest boy ever if you'd let me take you to prom in all your beautiful glory."

"Yes of course I will." Piper replied with the biggest grin ever.

Dan jumped down from the stage and took her in his arms hugging her as they kissed. Once they broke apart he handed over the flowers. They walked hand in hand back over to our table and all the guys on the stage followed. some went to get food where as other sat down. Paul and Tyler came and sat down next to me and Sally.

"That was amazing Dan, was that what you came in early to plan?" I asked him.

"Yeah, hope you guys can live up to that with whoever you're planning on asking." He says to Paul and Tyler.

"You'll just have to wait and see how I ask my girlfriend." Paul says grinning. All heads but me and the girls turn to look In his direction.

"Who man?" Tyler asks.

Instead of answering Paul just lifts his and Sally's joined hands from under the table. More awhs and cheers erupt from our table.

"Who you gonna ask man?" Dan asks Tyler.

"I don't know yet man, maybe the new girl." Tyler says.

As soon as them words leave his mouth I know my answer to my earlier doubts.

"Excuse me." I get up from my seat and leave the table and head to the girls toilets.

(A/N Hey guys, I know short chapter but I didn't want to focus on the other couples too much. But yeah what did you think to Dan's Promposal. Remember to comment, like and vote. The picture is Chord Overstreet who plays Paul.)

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