Finally Friday had arrived so that only meant one thing. It was the day I was going on my date with Tyler. He'd called the night before to say he was going to pick me up at 2 in the afternoon so I was starting to get ready.
Seen as it was summer I decided to wear a nice summery outfit because it was really warm outside. I'd already done my hair which I'd curled so soft curls were traveling down my back. I'd also done my make up really simply of powder and mascara as I didn't like having it too heavy when it was warm.
So the outfit I'd decided on was some short denim shorts which had rips in them and the bottoms were frayed. To go with it I'd chosen a loose fitting white off the shoulder top with long sleeves which were also loose fitting and had a lace like pattern at the end around the wrists. Once I'd got dressed I went to my closest and started to look for some shoes to wear. I finally decided on some brown sandals that have a bit of a wedged heel on them. I also picked out a cream sun hat.
Grabbing my phone I quickly took a selfie in the mirror before heading downstairs to wait in the living room. When I got there Dan and Piper were cuddled up together on the sofa watching a film.
"What you watching?" I ask them, sitting in the arm chair and starting to watch.
"Captain America: Civil War." Piper answers, smiling at me knowingly.
"And who chose this film?" I ask, already knowing the answer.
"I did," My brother replies, engrossed in the action.
"And Piper didn't disagree because of the eye candy that is Chris Evens." I say with a laugh.
"Guilty." Piper says, putting her hands up in mock surrender.
"You two are bad, now shut up I'm trying to watch." Dan says, getting annoyed at us talking through one of his favorite movies.
It may of only just come out recently but because it's marvel it automatically becomes one of his favorites. He's obsessed. Me and Piper shut up and carry on watching the film till the doorbell goes.
"That'll be for me, see ya guys." I say over my shoulder to the couple.
"Be careful." Dan warns me.
"You look hot, have fun." Piper says. waving to me.
I open the door and I automatically smile.
"Ready to go?" Tyler asks me. holding his hand out for me.
I just nod my head and take his hand, closing the door behind me.
As I look around I see his car is no where to be seen and he's carrying what distinctively looks like a picnic basket in his other hand."I hope you don't mind but we're walking. But now with the look of your shoes I should of brought the car." He says, worrying.
"No it's fine, I can walk in these, they may not look like a sensible choice of shoes, but they are." I reassure him, smiling.
"Ok good. I hope what you like what I've planned." He tells me.
"Anything with you will be perfect." I say and kiss him, looking forward to the day ahead.
Half an hour later we're sat under a tree on a picnic blanket that Tyler had pulled out from the basket he brought with him. I wasn't sure what else was in there but for now, Tyler's arms being wrapped around me as we look at the world surrounding us as we talk is enough.
"So your brother told me something the other day. Maybe you didn't want me to know but before I say anything promise you won't get angry at him. He's just looking out for you, for us." Tyler says to me, turning me so I'm facing him.

Sleeping with my brothers best friend
Teen FictionSammy is the younger sister of the star quarterback. She's a good girl and quiet reserved. Or so you think until you really get to know her. She's really quite outgoing and isn't afraid of trying something new. Tyler is the best friend of the star...