Chapter 13

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The next morning I'm woke up by the sound of soft snores in my ear. I rub my eyes before turning round in Tyler's arms to look at him. He looks so peaceful and cute. His nose scrunches up each time he breaths in and I can't help but giggle at it. I grab my phone from the bedside table and open my snapchat app. I take a video of him and save it to my phone before sending it to him. Once I've done I lock my phone and leave Tyler's embrace to head to his en suite bathroom.

When I've done my business and cleaned my hands I walk back out to now see Tyler awake and sitting up against his head board.

"Morning baby." I say to him crawling back under the covers.

"Morning, why did you film me snoring and send it to me?" He asks with a confused face.

"Because you just looked so cute I had to." I giggle at his face as I say the word cute.

"Boys are not cute, we are hot or sexy but defiantly not cute."

"You were cute, get over it."

All of a sudden he's tickling me and I let out a loud playful scream. I kick and wiggle around under him trying to get away from his tickling hands.

"Tyler, stop, please stop." I beg.

"Well what was I?" He asks.

"Ok, ok you were hot, extremely hot, now please stop."

As the words leave my mouth he stops and instead kisses me.

"That's better," he tells me before getting up with a grin, "wanna join me in the shower?"

"Sure." I get up once more and follow him back into the bathroom.


Later that day in back at home just watching Netflix when my phone vibrates. It's the group chat that me and the girls share.

Sally: OMG you girls need to get round here ASAP big news to tell you guys.

As soon as I read it I exit the Netflix app on my iPad and go searching for my shoes. I put them on then grab my phone and car keys before heading down stairs.

"Dan I'm heading over to Sally's back later!" I shout so he can hear me in whatever part of the house he's in.

"Ok!" I hear his voice come from the kitchen.

I leave the house and close the door behind me and climb into my car. Before setting off I get out my phone to send a message in the group chat.

Sammy: On my way.

Before I locked my phone I connected it up to the aux and pressed shuffle on my music. Once done I placed my phone in the passenger seat and set off to my friends house.


Fifteen minutes later I was pulling up outside Sally's house and I saw that Pipers car was already in the drive way. I turned the engine off and walked up to the front door and pressed the bell. No more than two seconds later the door opened to reveal Sally.

"Come in, come in." She told me, letting me past.

I headed inside and took my shoes off before following Sally up the stairs to her bedroom where I saw Piper sat on the bed tapping away on her phone, most probably text in my brother.

"So you've got us here, what's the news Sal?" I ask curious.
"Ok so you know that Paul took me to the bonfire so he obviously had to bring me home. When we got here he was a perfect gentleman, opened my car door and walked me up to the house. We'd said goodnight and I was just about to head in when he gently grabbed my wrist stopping me. I looked at him confused but I didn't need to ask him anything before he started talking. He basically said that even though we'd only started talking recently he really liked me and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes!"
I looked at my friend wide eyes. I knew he was going to ask soon.

"OMG, that's amazing I'm so happy for you." I told her bringing her into a hug.

"New too." Said Piper as she joined our hug.

"We just need to find you a boyfriend now Sam." Sally said laughing.

"Yeah." I said going along with it because no one and I mean no one, not even my best friends could know what was going on with us.

(A/N I know this chapter is really short but it's more of a filler because I felt like I haven't updated in ages and if I didn't update now then I don't know when I would because I have loads of exams coming up. Anyway I hope you like it and please remember to comment, like and vote. The picture is Blake Lively who plays Piper.)

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