Untitled Part One

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"Louis please don't go!" Someone yelled, barging into my room. My eyes blinked open and I rubbed at them tiredly.

"What? Lottie?" I asked, my eyes finally adjusting. "You entered Breaking Point?! Why would you do that? You're leaving us with dad all alone. He's not going to take care of us!" She cried, throwing herself onto me. I sat up and held her in a hug.

"Look Lottie, I didn't have a choice. I'm sorry, I'm doing this for you guys." I began to feel really guilty, not telling them.

"Thats what mom said and look what happened to her." She sobbed, and I began soothingly petting her hair.

"Mom entered for a reason too Bub. She wanted a better life for us. That's why I'm entering too. I don't want her death to be for nothing. Please understand." I said, feeling a tear of my own beginning to fall.

"I just don't want you to die too." She mumbled, balling some of my shirt into her fist.

I looked at the small run-down clock ahead of my bed. 5:30.

"I won't die Lots." Saying that sent a wave of fear through me. I finally realized how real this was. I can die.

I held her tighter to me. This can be the last time I see her. I began to softly cry.

"Promise." Lottie sniffed, pulling away from me. How do I promise I won't die? Can I even keep such a promise?

"I need to get ready. The bus will be here in half an hour." I said instead, and I saw her eyes get slightly more watery.

"Okay." She replied, wiping at a stray tear, and I was going to hug her again but she turned out of the room and ran.

Instead I pulled out a small backpack, (they didn't let you bring a large one) and began to pack.

What do I need in a life or death situation? Or multiple life or death situations actually. I packed six water bottles, gloves, a beanie, a small electric fan that you can hold, twelve small packs of bread, a small blanket, a hoodie, and a large jacket.

What else would I need? Oh, duh. I rushed to the small window by my desk, and pulled open the window seal, showing the first aid kit I took from my step father. (A selfish creep, he is.)

I shoved that in my backpack, it barely fitting, before slinging it over my shoulder and walking out. I took one last look at my small room, this may be the last time I ever see it, before pulling up the latter and climbing down.

"What time is it?" I asked Lottie, pacing by the front door.

"5:54." She said, sadly. I pulled her into another hug.

"Listen, Lots. Be strong for me okay? When the other girls get back, please take care of them. Tell them I love them. And please, don't let Robin control you or the girls. I'll be back." I hope that didn't sound like a promise, I didn't know if I'd be back.

Most importantly, I was scared to leave the girls with Robin. He's an uncaring bastard.

I opened the door, it creaking incredibly loud, and stepped out.

I felt like there was a weight on my shoulders. There is. If I die than I leave the girls alone, and they have to keep living in this mess.

I wish I could've said by to the others. Was my last thought before a large black bus parked in front of me. I gulped, staring it down. It looked so expensive, making it stand out from the rest of the run-down city, and had the words Breaking Point on it in large cursive letters.

The doors opened, and I hesitated, before making my way up the steps. I looked at the driver as I walked up. He didn't even look at me, his eyes trained on the road ahead of him, a blank face etched on him.

I turned my eyes away from him, and looked for a seat, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

There were no seats left, this being the last stop probably, so I sat next to a guy on my right.

He looked at me as I sat. Not wanting to show my nervousness, I looked at him back. Green eyes, he has. I also noticed his hair, curly and up to his shoulders.

Surprisingly, he smiled at me, saying an, "Hi!" My eyes widened.

"Uh, hi." I muttered, before looking away from the attractive guy. The last thing I need to do is make friends. All but one of us is going to die in the end anyway.

I looked at my palms most of the ride, sometimes playing with my backpacks strap. When we hit bumps, I closed my legs more around my backpack, letting out sighs of relief after.

I have never rode in something like this before. These were just too expensive. Everyone in the city had to walk everywhere.

"So.. why are you here?" The guy asked, and I looked at him confused. Why is he being friendly? Doesn't he know that we're all going to die?

"To show my step father that my mom didn't die for nothing, and so I can make a better life for my sisters." I replied, my voice flat and quiet.

"Was your mom in breaking point too?" He asked, seeming interested. Can he just leave me alone?

"Yeah." I said, not making eye contact with him.

It was quiet for a few minutes after that, he looked in thought, before he spoke again.

"My dad was in Breaking Point too, twelve years ago. My sister entered two years ago, wanted to win for him. She was only 20." He said. For the second time, I actually looked at him.

"Did either of them win?" I asked softly, not wanting to seem rude.

"No. My dad lost fourth round, sister lost second." He said, frowning.

I only knew this kid for like an hour and I already didn't want to see him sad.

"Sorry." I said, giving him a small smile. He smiled back and we both kept quiet for the rest of the ride.


So I plan on updating every Thursday and Saturday. I may update between sometimes, comments encourage me to write sooner. (Just putting that out there)

Hope you guys liked, and if you're confused about anything or feel like I messed up someplace, please tell me so I can fix it.

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