Find the Three Sluts

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"This is so freaking awesome. I almost feel like riding public transportation." Teague sputtered with excitement, clearly over the dramatic events a few minutes with Graham.

My eyebrows knit together, "Does Holy Cross even have public transportation? Your town has, like, three roads."

Teague shot me a dirty look, "If it's half as bad as people tell me it is, then my usage was not misplaced." He haughtily threw his nose in the air, trying to conserve whatever pride he thought he had.

I rolled my eyes. "Since when do people in po-dunk towns have any connections to the outside world except for the occasionally spurt of internet? And po-dunk towns in ALASKA, no less." I muttered, glancing around to see that there was, in fact, stands. They weren't evenshabby, like the ones at carnival. And let me tell you, shape-shifters are clever folk.

Practical Uses of Shedded Fur. (A/N: Props to Dreamer-13. I COULDN'T RESIST.)

How to Blend In When You're Obviously Not Meant to Blend In.

The True Art of 'Peacocking'.

So Angry You're Going to Explode Out of Your Skin… Literally.

The Call of Nature: Is it Appropriate to Use the World as Your Toilet? (Ongoing Debate)

Adapting to Life With No Thumbs.

Surviving in the Wild and Telling the Differences Between a Shifting Bear and An Actual BEAR.

"I think I'm going to like these people." I remarked, reading the sign Screwing With Humans Around You—Legally… In much smaller lettering, it read, Check our online site for gray areas.

Teague was already growing a wry smile, "I was definitely born to be here."

I nodded in agreement. "There is no doubt I have descended from these hurr people." But of course, Graham found absolutely no interest in the stalls; he was now grudgingly shuffling through the crowd, trying to find the infamous information stand.

"It's always in the back…" He was growling to himself, just barely being polite-enough to only slightly shove a woman out of his path.

Teague and I shot each other indifferent looks, quickly getting a look at everyone around us. I pointed to one lady, "She looks like a mouse." I whispered quietly.

Teapot's face scrunched up, "She does. You think our faces could be relative to our animal?" He asked eagerly, deftly trying for a panther-like pose, his mouth open and hissing. "Do I look like my animal? HIIISSSHHHH."

I grimaced, his actions nearly causing my physical pain. "Not unless 'dumbass' is an animal."

He immediately narrowed his eyes, dropping his hands and throwing me a sour look. "Well, you look nothing like a cheetah, so stick thatin your juice box and suck it." Teague grumbled lamely, making a face.

Once more, I found the need to roll my eyes great. "It's insulting that I don't look like a fur-covered feline?" I shook my head in faux disappointment, "Standard of beauty these days, I tell ya…"

Teague's lack of respond made the journey slightly longer, but we eventually made it to the very back of the huge building, finding the line surprisingly short. "Wow, there were more people at K-9 Dental Care than here. Do we shifters not like reproduction or something?" Teague asked, craning his head as if he'd see more people in the line than if he weren't.

"Actually, we love reproduction. It's our favorite thing." Answered a smooth voice from behind us. We turned to see the most stunning girl—well, ever, standing right behind us. Her hair was a thick, long mass of black, straighter than Chuck Norris and yet still seeming wild. Her eyes were an unfathomable color of black, holding the esteem of a lioness, a lone black eyebrow arched humorously. Every plane of her face was simply gorgeous, all her tanned skin unblemished and completely pore-less. She wasn't even fat. In fact, she was wearing a full-body jumpsuit and still managed to look better in it than Barbie could've ever dreamed. She could be a model—no, the complete and utter representation of everything men wanted their women to look like plus more. This was the kind of girl people wrote poems about. No—it was the kind of beautiful they couldn't put into words.

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