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I felt his warm hands grab my face as he rubbed his thumbs against my cheeks. I opened my eyes and it was hard but I kept myself from bursting into tears somehow.

I moved his hands and took a step back. I had to take it all in. Is this actually happening? How could he just show up after not talking to me for 5 years? Was I really getting upset over this? It's so stupid why am I so upset? He looked at me with a concerned look.

I hope that you don't run from me.

Is this what he was worried about? Seeing me after all this time and worrying that I would be mad at him for something he couldn't help? For backing away and rejecting him like I did just now?

His arms were dangling at his sides loosely but the rest of him was tense and breathing heavily. His beautiful, sparkling, emerald eyes were looking deep into mine. He looked like he was waiting for something. His mouth slightly open in a shocked and confused way. I wasn't able to read him anymore like I used to and I couldn't be mad at him. It's too hard.

"B-Belle?" he said, hesitantly taking a step forward.

I tried to speak but all I could do was run into his arms and cry. I didnt realize how alone i have felt since he left and i feel like my other half was back.

The old ladies left so we were alone in the sitting room.

"Oh Belle, Belle, Belle.... I've missed you so much" He hugged me so tight and we sat there for a few moments.

"Harry, I-I thought you weren't coming back. I thought that the only time I would ever see you again would be in a magazine or on stage. I was scared that you made so many new friends that I didn't even mean anything anymore. You never called me or contacted me at all, or-"

"Belle I could never purposely leave my best friend. I went into the X-Factor thinking that nothing would really be made out of it. I had no idea that any of this would happen! My new friends, don't worry about them. People like me because I'm famous and I hate it. You're my only genuine friend that I have back at home. I sorta feel like you're my security blanket." He cut me off.

"But how do i know if you havent changed? can i still trust you-"

"Belle no, I'm not done. I really really care about you and I couldn't contact you because the only people who were allowed to have our numbers outside of other celebrities or management were immediate family so it won't get leaked. I love you so much Belle and I hope you understand that." His eyes were looking into mine so deep my knees were almost weak. He's so beautiful, and why do I have these thoughts? I quickly stepped back and checked for a message from Jason but still nothing. 

"This is all too much" I mumbled as a slow tear rolled down my cheek. 

"Bella you're an amazing..." he stopped trying to find his words. I'm an amazing what?! Tell me!

"friend" I melted a little. Im not sure why and or if it was a good melting or not.

if i could fly [h.s.] (still writing)Where stories live. Discover now