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hiding the truth

always comes with consequences


Whitney scrambled through all of Abbi's things, looking through every inch of her and Calum's apartment for that book, but she couldn't find it.

I knew where it was though.

"I need you to find it," Helen told me after revealing the location of the book, "I can't have any of my plans fall apart, the plans I asked you to do."

"What if I don't?" I asked Helen.

"Then you defy me," Helen responded, "I am the Empress of Hell, you would get into a lot of trouble, don't you think?"

I smirked, "Remember who I am Helen."

I knew Helen didn't fear me, but she felt something, nervousness. I learned all my evil tricks from her, and sadly I had gotten attached to the kids she had asked me to look over in the first place, so I didn't know what I was going to do.

Was I going to be loyal to my kingdom? Or would I defy them to help a group of kids who didn't even know their futures were planned out by me?

"Looking for this?" I asked Whitney. She jumped back and was startled when she saw me, and then let her jaw slightly drop when she saw me holding the book she was so desperately searching for.

"Who are you?" she asked me.

I blinked, revealing my black, white and red multi colored eyes. She jumped back, fearing me, which wasn't surprising.

"No," Whitney shook her head, "There's no way."

"Your empress asked me to look for this," I stared at the book, "Crazy right? I had no idea Abbi knew, which is surprising, I know everything. How do you think your sister would feel if she found out?"

"Betrayed," Whitney told me, "That's why I need you to give it to me."

"Are you going to defy your family? Your kingdom?"

"Wendy's my family," Whitney swallowed hard, "Not any of you. You guys are family because we're the same kind, but Wendy's blood."

"Blood isn't always family," I cleared my throat and walked out of the room, with Whitney hot on my trail.

"Are you going to give that to her?" Whitney yelled out as I got to the front door, "The book. Are you giving it to Helen?"

I stared at the girl, who looked so desperate for the book I would have pitied her if I cared about her, "What does it matter to you?"

"Tamina deserves to know that she could live again, that she could have her life back," Whitney said to me.

I chuckled and shook my head, "That's not what this is, you want to see if the cure will work on her and take the mark off of her, because then it'll take it off of you too, and you can have your life back. Well let me tell you something, you chose this. You were the one who hung herself when she was fifteen, you destined yourself to this."

"And you didn't?"

"No, I did," I nodded, "But at least I have the guts to say it out loud."

"Where was it?" Whitney asked me.

"Abbi's old house in Boston where Sophie and Michael live, she hid it in the attic, in a box, that had another box inside it. It took me a little to crack the code but I'm smart."

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