Chapter 2: Wolf Pack

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*Linden P.O.V*

'They got away! Damnit!' I growled to my pack as we walked out of the clearing the Moonlight Coven's house burning brightly. 'Sab, stay and make sure everything burns. I want no evidence of what happened.' I said to my Beta as the grey wolf nodded his head.  I took the remaining warriors leading them back to the pack house as we shifted back into human form putting on pair of pants that were laid around. "Did anyone see the child?" I asked as they all shook their heads. Damnit, she got away. I sighed as I entered into the house seeing my mate holding onto a small brown haired boy in her arms. I tried to be quiet as I sat next to her on the couch, she was asleep, wrapping my arm around her I couldn't help but kiss her forehead. "I'm home." I said as my lovely mate tilted her head up smiling at me making my heart melt.

"Are you hurt?" She asked as she looked worried and I gave a small chuckle as I got up. "Only a small gash, head up to bed I'm going to take a shower." I said as I watched her nod and carry our son up with her. Sighing I turned the hot water as I striped out of my clothes watching as a trail of blood spilled into the water beneath my feet. Looking down a large puncture mark was made and the surrounding tissue was turning purple. Damn warlock.... 

I jumped up smashing my body against his as I knocked him back into the house placing my paw on his throat as he squirmed beneath my body. My eyes watched his as the light was soon fading, my claws dug deeper into his throat. Feeling powerful I stepped off him as his body went limp turning to head up the stairs, I could smell the stench of the witch and her newborn. It had to die... Tonight. 

Taking one step I felt a sharp pain slice through me as I looked down seeing the sword. Turning I was him, the warlock! He didn't die? He gave me a smirk as if he knew what I thought. "You won't get a fast death. The day of your son's first shift, you shall die." He cursed as he pulled the sword and I could smell the wolfs bane it was coated in. Growling I jumped at him as I bit down on his throat ripping it out. "Now!" I heard a woman cry, shit! I ran up the stairs watching as a white light blinded me and I jumped hoping to catch one but I flew past them hitting a wall. They were gone. She was gone. 'The witch is gone! Retreat.' I mindlinked my pack as they disappeared into the woods and the remain coven disappeared into thin air. 

My son's first shift.... I thought again, a werewolf first's shift is on their thirteen birthday. I have eight years to track her down. I can't stop the wolfs bane but I can finish what i started! I cleaned my body before heading to head wrapping my mate in my arms as I fell asleep. 

'Alpha!' I hear someone call, turning I ignored the voice, 'Alpha!' it called again and this time I recognized my Beta's voice. 'What!?' I replied clearly upset he woke me up, looking at my clock it was 5am. Damnit Sab, 'We have a prisoner, the crone.' He said and my eyes shot up as I put on a gray hoodie and some jeans before running downstairs into the cells beneath the house. Walking in I see the old lady, she looks neither happy or scared, as I walked toward she merely looked at me with those bright green eyes. "Alpha Ciaran," she spoke and I stopped, glaring at her as she nodded. "I see you've changed." she said and I could swear she was taking about the curse.

"Where is the child?" I asked as I looked at her and she closed her eyes as if in thought before smiling. "She is safe and far away." The crone said as I balled my hands into fists. "But where!?" I growled keeping my hands at my sides, she looked at me confused before asking, "Now why should I tell you? Your fate is sealed even if she lives or dies." She said and I could feel the eyes of my pack laying on me. 

Taking a deep breath I sighed and nodded. "You know why." I said calmly as she looked at the warriors beside her and shook her head. "I don't know where. Only her mother knows." She said. Growling I turned back heading into the pack house. "Lock her up!" I yelled at them before slamming the door shut. 

*Rowan P.O.V*

I giggled running away from Uri, my bestfriend, we were playing hide and seek while our fathers held a meeting. I ran downstairs as I came to stop in front of the metal door, it was opened, it was the first time I have ever seen it open. I heard Uri running and I quickly pulled him down the stairs with me as I showed him the door. "Should we go inside?" He asked, I could tell he was scared, my father said never to go down there and whatever the Alpha says you do. I huffed out my chest. "I will be Alpha one day! I say lets go!" I grab his hand as we walk inside, its cold and dark. Soon my courage is replaced with fear until we get to the end and see an old women in a white robe, her hair was pure white but when she opened her eyes it was a bright green.

"Hello Rowan, Uri." She said looking to both of us as we looked at her and she laughed. "No need to be scared. I'm harmless." She said but I frowned, "If your harmless why are you down here?" I ask as she looked up to ponder that thought. "Because your father doesn't like my kind too much." She replied and I fidgetted as Uri grabbed my hand trying to pull me away. "Lets go." He whispered.

As I turned to leave the old women said something, "Rowan, would you like to know your fate?" She said and I looked at her, before nodding. She smiled as she neared me and place her hand out. I slowly put my hand on hers as she let out a piercing scream, I tried to pull my hand away but she only gripped harder. "Daddy!" I yelled but her eyes were hazed over as she spoke in a deep tone. "Your mate will be what you must kill. If you claim her she will die but you can save her if yo-" I felt myself get wrenched away as my father ran off with me in his arms. Once the door was sealed he looked to me as I could see Uri with his father Sebastian. "Are you okay!? How did you get down there?!" He yelled as I began to feel my tears fill up. "T-The door.. I-It w-was open." I cried as I hugged him. "She must of opened it." He said and I could tell he wasn't talking to me anymore. 

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