1. The Rough Beginning

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Youngjae tried to block out their petty jibes as he quickly made his way through the courtyard to the east building where his next class was located. His head never moving to look beyond the ground three feet in front of him, Youngjae slipped through the crowd of bustling students. He had almost made it to the door when he felt a harsh shove from his right side, sending him falling and colliding into the wall with a sickening crunch as his head hit the brick. His hands quickly covered his head to 1) assess the damage done, and 2) try and prevent further attacks on his poor bleeding skull. Youngjae being Youngjae didn't really care about the injury, his advanced healing worked wonders for him, but he was slightly shocked to feel the blood gushing from the wound. Leaving his left hand holding the wound, Youngjae let his right arm fall and took an assessment of his surroundings. There were three of them, thick as trains with pure muscle, an evil glint in their eyes. Youngjae shuddered slightly as he took in their appearances, smirks on their faces looking menacing as ever. Youngjae sighed as the late bell rang, both out of relief and despair because sure his music teacher would notice his absence but no student would be wandering through the courtyard anymore.

"What do you want this time?" Youngjae asked in a monotone voice.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe a little stress relief, you could say," the frontman said with an evil cackle, cracking his beefy knuckles one by one. His cronies laughed behind him and slowly started to approach, blocking all abilities for Youngjae to escape. Not like he could before, the injury he had received and the energy his body was using to heal it left him dizzy and light headed, making him susceptible to any attacks the asses wanted to launch on him. Youngjae leaned against the wall in attempts to keep himself upright as they approached, sick and twisted grins not once leaving their faces. The were about to pounce, Youngjae could easily tell, when a voice called out.

"What the hell are you dicks doing?!  Don't make me hack you," the voice threatened and the boys tensed before forcing a laugh, turning to face the new prey.

"Aren't you such a cutie Yugyeom? Honestly, what do you think little you can do against us?" The leader laughed as he began approaching the younger. "Please, try me." Yugyeom smirked. Wrong move buddy Youngjae thought as he did his best to stifle his laughter.

The leader's eyes began to cloud over as his expression set into one of pain. Suddenly his hands were flying up and gripping his hair as he screamed, Yugyeom standing there with a satisfactory smile laying on his lips as the other fell to the ground on his knees. He slowly made a fist, something that Yugyeom had learned long ago made the pain levels increase, as the screams grew louder before cutting out completely. Yugyeom giggled at the trembling boy in front of him before he kicked him over, looking at the cronies.

"Deal with this," another kick to the crippled form next to him, "before I deal with you. Okay?" They nodded and quickly dragged the other away as Yugyeom smiled an innocent smile and waved them away. Once the door had shut Yugyeom quickly rushed over to Youngjae, wrapping his arm around the elder in attempts to stabilize him. Realizing that it wasn't working, Yugyeom took the other's backpack and tried again, and this time he was able to help guide the elder to their music class.

"I dealt with them as quickly as I could, I'm sorry I wasn't with you, are you okay? Do you need to go to the nurse instead? I'm sure-" Youngjae held up his left hand, which was still covered in blood, to silence the younger.

"Chill. I'm fine, actually. Just a little tired, okay? The healing takes a lot outta me sometimes, and I have a feeling that that was a brain bleed." Youngjae smiled at the younger, successfully convincing him that he was okay. Yugyeom helped the elder slowly approach the classroom as they realized they were not alone in the hall. Standing at the end of the corridor was a dark figure that neither of them could make out. Both boys sensing the immediate threat, Yugyeom set the elder's bag down and began to reach out to the other's mind, surprised as he was stopped by something similar to a firewall.

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