4. Firsts Day Suck

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I didn't edit I'm sorry but then again I didn't really care so I didn't think you would.

    Youngjae knew his first day was going to suck. He had no other hopes or beliefs for it. But he didn't expect it to suck this bad. He hadn't expected to find himself lying on his bed and holding an ice pack to his busted jaw. Sure, he had healing powers, but he still felt the pain of his jaw being shattered to smithereens as the rest of his skull cracked and caved in. He watched as the light from the window slowly faded until his room became as black as the night. JB still wasn't back yet, but Yugyeom hadn't come to visit him yet, so he assumed something was happening on campus. His jaw was the last thing to heal, and it was an extremely painful process. His skull and brain had taken over an hour to heal, giving him an inkling just how bad it was and how dead he should be. Then again, when Youngjae loses his shit, his healing slows. And he had sort of lost his shit.

    He sat in the dark waiting, when JB finally entered the room, Yugyeom trailing behind him.

    "You still haven't healed fully?" Youngjae went to shake his head but immediately hissed in pain, grabbing his phone next to him.

    You seem to forget that my whole entire skull was broken. Brutally. Squashed like a grape. Yugyeom just sighed heavily, and JB turned to the pair confused.

    "What happened to you? I thought you could heal yourself," he said, taking in the ice on the younger's jaw and his pained expression. Yugyeom sighed and shook his head, deciding to relay the events to JB so that they wouldn't have to wait for the healing to finish.

    "Well, you see. . ."


Youngjae crawled out of bed, deciding that it was an acceptable time to be awake. See, Youngjae was an insomniac who had convinced himself that he barely needed sleep to function- probably the reason he's always on the cusp of blowing. He had slept a little more than three hours, and he just couldn't force anymore sleep into him. He had nothing to do either, usually on nights like these he would do a long standing project or work on a paper or get ahead in a class, but having attended no courses, Youngjae was kinda fucked. He finally forced himself up as the first rays of light slid in through the window.

Youngjae went and showered, walking back to his room still in the eerie silence that had enveloped him earlier settled around his shoulders again. He entered his room and put on his uniform and glancing at the clock. Seven in the morning? Breakfast starts in half an hour, I should probably wake JB.

    "Hey, JB?" Youngjae asked, shaking the elder's shoulder. "Breakfast starts soon, I figured you would want time to get ready." JB groaned and rolled over, opening an eye and looking up at Youngjae.

"What time is it?" He grumbled, throwing an arm over his face.

"Five past seven," Youngjae said, his voice soft. JB slowly peeked out from behind his arm.

    "Really? Like it's not three minutes before lessons start?" Youngjae shyly shook his head.

    "Nope, it's about twenty minutes before breakfast." His face broke out into a smile as he sat up.

    "You're too sweet Jae. Mark usually wakes me up about three minutes before lessons start, it's a given that we're always late." He smiled sleepily as he peered upwards at the younger, yawning and stretching his arms above his head, his shirt riding up slightly. Youngjae thought nothing of it when he felt a slight tingling feeling in his hands at the bit of exposed skin that had snuck into his field of vision. Nodding silently at the elder, Youngjae sat on his bed and texted Yugyeom.

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