5. I Loathe Crowds

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     "As the majority of you know," Scarlett began, pacing at the front of the auditorium, her voice amplified throughout the theater. "This week's event will be capture the flag. We will pick captains randomly and we will have four teams. Powers may be used, but there will be no killing or maiming of other students. Also, the flags are unable to be lifted using telekinesis or any similar powers. It will only move when flesh, or stone or metal depending on what you can do, touches the base. Because it's a four team game, the first team captured will be absorbed into the capturers' team, until there are two teams left. Once there are only two groups, there will be a brief intermission where the teams can move their flag and strategize. Remember, no maiming or killing. Teachers will pause the game in the events of either to provide aid to the injured. Now, for the captains..." Scarlett trailed off, making her way towards the large bowl at center stage.

"What is this, the hunger games?" Some guy in the third row yelled, voicing everyone's thoughts. Scarlett just rolled her eyes and proceeded, standing next to the bowl.

"When I call your name please come to the front.

"JB." Uneasiness worked its way through the crowd as JB walked to the front, standing on stage.

"Mark, Mark Tuan." Another uneasy rustle went through the crowd as Mark made his way, standing on the stage and smirking at JB who just laughed him off.

"Zico." The crowd eased a little bit seeing the smiling blonde climb the stage and stand next to Mark, smiling at the younger who returned his smile with one equally as bright.

"And finally, Hwasa." A giggle erupted through the crowd as a girl bounded up the stage skipped into her spot, smiling and waving at the three boys.

"The teams will be announced after the captains choose, so please await the next announcement. You may go." The crowd of students flooded through the doors and into the courtyards, chatter bouncing in between them. Youngjae stumbled through the mob of bodies and found himself under a tree, his nails digging into his palms and his eyes closed as he tried to relieve his anxiety. Crowds had always made him anxious, but once he discovered his powers, his anxiety always skyrocketed for the fear of hurting them. He soon dug the heals of his hands into his eyes, blocking out the world and focusing on his breathing. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Youngjae?" The familiar voice called, but he just shook his head, trying to calm his thrashing heart and shallow breaths. "Youngjae, hey you're okay." Youngjae shook his head. "Hey, c'mon, you're okay. It's just you and me." Youngjae didn't trust them and peered through his fingers to realize that Yugyeom wasn't lying to him. He let out a sigh of relief and half smiled at the younger.

"H-hi there l-little guy," he forced out, allowing Yugyeom to slowly inch closer. He rested his hands on his and watched him with concerned eyes.

"Hey gramps," he said with a small smile.  Youngjae chuckled lightly.

"I-I'm not, uh, not, um..." Youngjae stuttered, not being able to get a full sentence out. Yugyeom nodded and smiled reassuringly at the elder.

"I know Choi. 'I'm not that much older than you, you brat!'" Youngjae nodded solemnly. "You wanna tell me what's wrong?" The elder shook his head simply.

"Can't, uh, b-but look," Youngjae stammered out. Yugyeom checked his surroundings and moved to hold the elder's hands.

"Is it the crowd?" Youngjae nodded and gripped Yugyeom's hands tighter. "Is it the game?" Youngjae nodded harder, biting his lip to prevent tears from falling, his glowing blue eyes shut tight. "Is it everything?" Youngjae let out a sob and buried his face into Yugyeom's shoulder. The younger flinched as he received a viciously painful shock from the elder, and he instantly knew how dire the situation was. Whenever Youngjae had either a panic or anxiety attack his powers always forced their way to the surface and took advantage of the poor boy's vulnerability.

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