introspection three years later

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hey everybody.

i hope y'all have been well, especially these days with where we're at and this pandemic.

i'm coming to you live from my house, my uni having shut and moved online due to covid. it's weird, and harder to learn like this, and my lab classes make zero sense now, but we'll get through it. there's no other option.

so, you might be wondering why im back. well, to keep things short and sweet, i forgot i had an account here. my wattpad days were something to push under the rug and never talk about again. but 1. thats not healthy, and 2. my wattpad days are surprisingly not the worst. looking back here, im able to see how much ive grown, and its crazy.

im sorry if you've tried to reach me in my absence. if you still want to talk for whatever the reason may be, you can comment on these posts that i'm putting up on here today (i should see them), or swing on over to my ao3 account (thecomputerguy) and leave a comment on something (ill 100% see that).
(also i dont crosspost my fics so if you see any of these bad boys floating around somewhere, i Did Not post those and please report them to both the website's admin and myself.)

im debating rewriting some of these fics, which if i do will be posted on my ao3. just skimming through BBYB it seems shoddy and poorly researched, which is what i hope to be the opposite of the stuff i post these days. in the meantime, i have some left over bits and pieces for every fic on my account i think. heaven has some chapters half and even fully flushed out, BBYB has a "fantastical ending", lullabye has backstories, and non-stop has an installment 2 (though im not sure whats in it). if you guys want it, all of it will be my old writing, unedited ofc cuz this is me were talking about, just lmk.

also, id like to say thank you to each and every one of you. i was going through some real rough patches in high school, and all of you helped me through it. i learned how to cope with writing my feelings out (and no that does not mean any of my fics were inspired by true events, rather just my emotions) and it was probably the only reason i made it through high school okay. your support, no matter how big or small, was instrumental in me continuing writing and finding it to be such a meditative and fun activity, while it could still remain in my private life.

wattpad - my fics, your support, anything i read - was a huge part of my teen years. Even still, logging back onto this old ass account to find that i had 200 notifications seems crazy to me. i made some good friends here and this was even one of the first public places i came out. though it may be a bit cringy, i wouldnt change it. (unless i could fix my old fics... lol)

Thank you guys so much. Hopefully I'll hear from y'all soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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