Chapter Five

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I walked to my sister and touched her hand. It was freezing cold, but solid. I closed my hand around hers but my hand went right through it. I jerked my hand back and stared at her, amazed. 

"How?" I asked myself. Maybrie smiled gently and ran a finger through my hair. 

"I can touch light things, but anything heavy or solid, goes right through me. I can hold a pencil for less than four seconds. I can slightly brush against things, but then they to turn into air. " I exhailed slowly and sat on my bed. 

"How did you come back? Why? You had to have came back for a reason." Maybrie's face changed and she turned away from me.  

"May?" i asked. She faced me again, worry strewn across her face. 

"I dont know. I dont understand why i came back." her eyes quickly darted to the floor, hiding something.  

"Maybrie, what arent you telling me? Im your sister, you know you can come to me for anything." Maybrie nodded. 

"I no, but some things are meant to be left unsaid. I cant tell you. Its to dangerous." I sighed but dropped it, at least for now. 

"Ok." I said, glancing at my clock. 5:52p.m. Maybrie followed my gaze and came over to sit beside me on the bed. 

"But i thought you couldnt...." I started before she cut me off. 

"I can sit on things, but only if i concentrate. Or if im asleep." 

"You sleep?" I gasped. 

"Yes, I have to. If i dont i will be to weak to stay here. As in on earth." I nodded thoughtfully but then thought of another safe question to ask. 

"Where do you sleep, exactly?" Maybrie glared at me but then laughed.  

"I usually sleep outside. By our tree house. We used to sleep out there during the day. Remember?" I stared at my sister in amazment. 

"Of course! It was the softest grass in our neighborhood! How could i forget?" We laughed and for a moment, just a moment, it seemed like she had never left. We sat on my bed talking for a couple hours until i heard my mom call me to supper. Maybrie looked down and i saw a silent blood red tear fall from her eyes. My eyes widened in shock, but I quickly brushed it off.

"You miss mom and dad dont you?" I asked softly. Maybrie nodded and i laid my head on her  

shoulder, very lightly. 

"Why dont you just talk to them? Like you talk to me?" Maybrie shuddered and her face grew sadder.  

"Because your the only one who can see me."

I left the room and ran downstairs. Mom handed me a plate of lasagna and garlic bread and i took my normal seat by my dad. 

"Hi daddy." I said. 

"Hey honey. How was your day? How are you feeling?" he responded, shoveling a bite of lasagna in his mouth. 

"It was great, and alot better!"I smiled a fake smile and hurridly ate my plate, rushing to wash it and put it up.  

"Whats the rush?" Mom asked. 

"Ya, you gotta boy friend up in your room?" Dad joked. I smiled and hugged them both. 

"Sorry, im just really tired and im going to go take a shower and go to bed." 

"Ok." mom said. 

"Night sweetpea." dad replied. 

"Night, love you." I said before dashing upstairs.

My twin sister, the ghostWhere stories live. Discover now