Chapter 25

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Let me know what cha think :) see?? Told ja I'd update!! Oh and I got this idea from the comments from the last update :) you know who you are and hope you don't mind me using it. It was a great idea. Enjoy!!

Asami gasped. Asami took slow steps into the room, bringing a hand up to her mouth. This was like a nightmare dungeon hell whatever you wanna call it. There was two chains hanging from the ceiling. Asami felt goosebumps on her bare arms. She folded her arms as she looked around. She looked to her right and gasped. There was a small table near the chains. Asami walked over to it. She saw what was on the table and stopped, her eyes widening.

There was a whip, a knife, a wooden stick, and a baseball bat on the table. Asami noticed the knife was stained with blood. Korra's blood. These were torture devices.

Asami turned and looked around the room. This was a torture room.

Asami turned around. She walked over to the chains hanging on the ceiling. She looked at the floor and stepped back in fear. There was dried blood on the floor.

"Oh my god".

"I never understood why".

Asami nearly jumped out of her skin. She quickly looked around. On the farthest corner of the room, was Korra. She was sitting on the floor, her back against the wall. Asami walked up to her.

"Korra", she said. "Are you alright??. What are you doing in here??".

Korra shrugged, not looking at her. Asami noticed something shiny next to Korra. She looked closer. It was a blade. Asami looked at Korra. Kneeling down, Asami looked her over. She immediately looked at her arm. She gasped in shock. In the low light, she could see blood running down Korra's wrist.

"Korra", she said. "What did you do??".

Korra looked at Asami, tears in her eyes.

"It helps", she said. She sniffled.

"Helps what??", Asami asked.

Korra looked at her arm then at Asami.

"It helps numb the pain. Just for a little bit. Just for a little bit, everything is calm and I'm okay".

Asami shook her head.

"Korra. Listen to me. This isn't okay to do".

Korra shrugged. "And??".

"And", Asami continued. "This isn't really helping you. Cutting is only making things worse".

"I don't see how. I feel great", Korra said.

"No. You think you feel great. Cutting only gets you addicted and it's a trap. It acts like a stress reliever but you're putting youself in danger".

Korra didn't say anything. Asami looked at the bleeding wrist. She reached out and picked up her arm.

"Let's get you cleaned up".

Korra looked at her. She nodded and stood up. The two walked out of the room.

"The bathroom is this way", Korra said, making a left turn. Asami held her arm as they walked along the carpeted hall. As they walked down the short hall, the others came out of Korra's room.

They gasped when they saw Korra's arm.

"Korra", Jinora said. "What happened??. Did you get hurt??".

Korra shook her head. She silently took Asami's hand they walked down the hall. Asami looked back at the others, who had confused looks. She motioned for them to follow.

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