Chapter 5

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It had been about 2 hours of test and x-rays before the nurse said that he would be fine and that we could exit the room and go to the front desk to sign the release forms.

"Hey Amber?" Drew asked

"Yeah?" I said as I looked up from the clipboard of papers to look at him. His head was wrapped in bandages and he looked so out of it. He almost look like a baby who was amused by everything that made movement.

"I just wanted to say Thanks....I think..." He said questioningly

"You're welcome?" I asked playing around with him

He sunk in his chair while I finished filling out the papers.

"Thank you. Stay safe the rest of the night." The nurse at the front said with a smile

Drew and I walked to the car and got in. We sat there for about 5 minute in complete silence. It wasn't the good silence either. It was more of a 'Now that that's over what do we do now' kind of silence.

I pulled out my phone and checked to see what time it was.

1:45 am

"Im hungry." Drew blurted out

"Okay...what do you want to eat?"


I rolled my eyes but then realized the doctor had put him on those meds that kill pain but make you super loopy.

"Okay, how does McDonalds sound?" I asked in a tone like I was talking to a child

He nodded his head really fast and squealed "YES!!!!"

We drove To the nearest McDonald's which was surprisingly close to the hospital. Probably in case someone ate to many Big Macs. Haha.

"Hi welcome to McDonald's. What would you like to order?" Said the gawky/awkward/non-attractive cashier in a monotone voice

"Um I think I'll just have a cookie and a bottled water."

"Will that be all?" He asked with a bored expression on his face and in his voice

"Um no... And for him," I said gesturing toward Drew "A happy meal with the chicken nuggets."

"Your total will be $8.45"

"Okay here you go." I said handing him exact change

We went to go sit at a table while we waited for our food. I was On my phone looking through my Instagram feed while Drew was playing with the Paper towel holder on the table

"Stop that before you break it." I scolded at him

He stuck his tongue out at me and said

"You're not my mother!"

I rolled my eyes and went back to looking at my phone when I came across a picture that had a picture of people on dancing and the caption said

"This senior party is turned UP. Nice job bro @drewadams"

I realized that after we finish eating where am I going to take Drew?

Surely not back to the party. It's too crazy there. Not to my house, Not in a million years would my mom allow me to bring a boy over and she would have a fit if she saw how I looked right now....

The only other option I could think of was to rent a hotel room for the night.

"Hey your food is ready." The same boring cashier yelled across the room.

I went over to pick it up and brought it back to Drew.

We ate and then got back into the car. Since we were in the downtown area I drove around to see if there were any hotels that looked slightly cheap, but they all looked like the Tipton from Zack and Cody.

I pulled up to one and helped Drew out of the car. We walked up to the front desk and I told the lady there that I needed the cheapest room they had available.

"The cheapest one available is $209."

"I-" I started off when I was interrupted by Drew

"Sounds good. Here you go." He said handing her his credit card

"Are you crazy?!? $200 for a hotel room?!?" I blurted out

"It's okay babe. Money isn't a problem in my family." He said dangling the keys in front of my face then walking of towards the elevator


Excuse me, no.

I rolled my eyes and followed him into the elevator and we went up to the room.

When we walked in there was a huge king sized bed with a nice view of the city and the bathroom was extremely nice with a granite countertop and porcelain shower

"I call the bed." I spat out


"You sleep on the couch. I get the bed." I stated

"Im sleeping on the bed because I'm hurt. So I guess that means we're sleeping together." Drew said in a flirtatious tone

I rolled my eyes and said


"By the way, I hope you know the only reason I'm doing all this is cause I feel bad for hurting you." I casually said as I was taking my heels off

"Is that so? Because it seems like you actually care about me." He said in a flirty tone

"Yeah? Well my mom is a pediatrician and I used to help her take care of the kids there who were sick and I guess I take after her so don't get your hopes up."

I crawled into the bed and laid down and turned off the bedside lamp on my side.

I closed my eyes and felt Drew lay down on the bed. I heard him turn off his lamp and say

"Sweet dreams, Amber."

"Good night Drew."

I responded and then fell into a sweet sweet somber






THANK YOU FOR 7.4K reads and I hadn't updated for like a month?!!!??

Y'all are amazing. Sorry for the short chapter. :/ trying to get the feel back. Anyways, tell me what you think or any ideas that you have :) Thank you so much!!!

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