Chapter 4

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I was searching for Drew in the crowds of people located throughout the house for about 20 minutes and still could not find him.

I tapped someone on the shoulder and ask them

"Have you seen Drew Adams anywhere?"

They responded

"Yeah I think he went in the garage to get some more beer."


"Okay thank you." I said to the stranger and started to search the massive house for the garage door.

After about 10 minutes I finally found it and stepped inside to find Drew with a beer bottle in one hand and some blonde chick in his other. He had her straddled on top of a pool table, next to a few couches and a refrigerator.

I gasped at the horrific sight of their make-out session and turned around on my heels to exit the garage but when I twisted the knob it wouldn't open.

In a panicked state, I kept jiggling the knob to see if it would open until Drew took a break from kissing the girl and said

"It's locked babe. Might as well come join us to have some fun." With emphasis on the word fun

I rolled my eyes at him and started looking around the dimly lighted garage for some other exit, when I heard the girl gasp and fall onto the couch. I turned around to see what happened to her and it looked like she had knocked out.

"Well now that she's asleep, looks like it's just you and me." Drew said as he started walking across the garage to me

"Ha. In your dreams Adams." I retorted

I was facing the wall patting it all over to see if there was some kind of exit door, when I felt his arms, once again, snake around my waist. As soon as I felt that I turned around and pushed him away with all the force I could muster up and when I did, he stumbled backwards and hit his head on the pool table and fell face forward on the cold, hard, concrete garage floor.

"Oh my gosh...." Is all I could process out of my mouth

I ran over to him and examined him. The beer bottle had broken so he had pieces of glass in his hand and had a little blood flowing from tiny cuts on his palm. I shook him softly while asking

"Drew are you okay? Can you hear me?" All I got in response was a low moan that escaped from his lips. I guess that gave me a little comfort knowing that I did not knock him unconscious, but I still needed to get him some help right away.

I couldn't call 911 because this whole party would get shut down and I would be known as a world-class snitch, and I highly doubt if I banged on the garage door anyone would hear me over the loud music. The actual garage door had a passcode to it so I couldn't open that either.

I took a good look around the garage again and saw that there was a small window near the ground that was barely big enough for Drew to fit through.

I took off my heel and smashed it through the window. Glass shattered everywhere and luckily, none cut my hand. I tried cleaning the edges up so whenever I dragged Drew through the space that he wouldn't get cut up anymore than he already was.

It was a strange process dragging him across the garage floor to the window. When I got to the window I went through it first and placed my shoes on the grass with my clutch bag. I then attempted to pull Drew through the window with his arms hanging out first, then his body limply followed.

When we were both out of the garage I tried to wake him up to see if he could stand on his feet.

In response I got another moan.

I sighed and set him up against the wall to see if I could get him up on his feet from there.

After many episodes of trying to get him up and him falling down to the ground, I finally got him to put his arm around my shoulder so I was a support for him and and he could semi-walk.

I helped him all the way over to Lucy's car and slid him into the passenger seat.

Good thing Lucy left her keys with me.

When I got into the driver seat Drew asked me, with slurred words,

"Where are we going?"

I said in response

"The emergency room. I think you might have a concussion or something."

"Oh...." Is what I think he said but I wasn't quite sure

Right as we pulled up to the ER I realized that Drew was only 18 and they would find out that he had been drinking and he would get arrested.

I dug around in his front pocket to see if his wallet was there and luckily enough it was inside. When I opened it up, I saw he had a fake I.D card.


According to it he was 23 years old.


After another series of events of trying to get him onto his feet, we finally made it inside the emergency room.

I went up to the nurse at the front desk and told her that he was at a party and that he tripped over a rock and is how he got hurt.

She grabbed a wheelchair for him and motioned for me to follow her into the back where they were going to take care of him.

We were placed in room 7 and the nurse started doctoring his hand right away.

She started asking him a series of questions like what his name was and where he was born to see if he had any brain damage.

I couldn't help but feel a tad bit guilty... I mean if I wasn't so aggressively mean he wouldn't be in this situation right now.

"Excuse me Miss, I need you to fill out some of these papers for me please." The nurse said to me

"Okay sure." I said as I took the clipboard from her

"But is he going to be okay?"

"So far he has been able to respond to the questions pretty well, but we're not sure yet. We're going to run a few tests on him and I will keep you updated on what is going on. Are you his girlfriend?"

I felt my face heat up and quickly said

" a friend."

Ha. We weren't even friends.

"Okay, in that case I'm going to have to ask you to wait in the lobby area, since you have no biological or marital connection to him."

"No! I have to be with him! I'm the one who got him into this situation and I'm going to stay with him until he is ok!" Those words that came out of my mouth even shocked me and then I realized that I might actually care about him....

What am I talking about? I probably just feel guilty for hurting him.

"Um....okay. Stay as you wish...." The nurse said and left the room.

I was about to start filling out the paperwork when I heard Drew murmur out

"So you have to be with me huh? Does that mean you care about me?"

I looked up at him to see that he had turned his head towards me but his eyelids were barely open.

I sat there not knowing what to say for a moment, but then his eyelids fluttered shut and he fell asleep.


Sorry I took long to update. I was in the hospital sick and I couldn't do anything but watch tv. lol anyways this is one if my favorite chapters 😉 How did y'all like it? You guy's comments make me so happy. I mean its crazy that people actually like my writing! lol I just want to thank all of y'all who have taken time to read my story. Many more chapters to come!

xoxo, Cellie 💓

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