Chapter 1

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“Amber!!! Dinner’s ready!” My mother called from downstairs.

“Coming!” I yelled back while shutting my trig book and turning off my desk lamp.

I exited my room, making sure to shut the door, and descended the staircase to find that the smell of spaghetti and meatballs filled the kitchen air.

“Mmmmmm....spaghetti and meatballs. Thanks mom” I said while taking my seat at the table.

“Where’s Dad?” I asked

“He had some extra work to take care of at the office....again....” My mother trailed off with a pained expression on her face.

“Hey, are you ok mom?”

“Yes. I’m fine now just eat.” She replied back curtly

We sat there in silence for a while eating our food when my mother said

“I was looking at your report card today and saw you had a 93 in biology. What's that all about?”

“Mother please, at least I have a A in that class. There are some people who are going to fail that class with 30’s and 40’s and you’re upset I have a 93?”

“You know better than to talk to me like that and you also know that I don’t tolerate anything lower that a 95.”

“Yeah whatever ‘Mom’ I’ll fix it...” I set my fork down and got up and left the dinner table and went up to my room.

Gosh my mother doesn’t seem care about anything but my grades. She doesn’t factor in that I have friends that I would like to hang out with, or that I might want to go see a movie every now and then...No. It’s all about studying and doing homework. I wish I could just leave it all one day and not have a care in the world.

I plopped down on my bed and just lied there thinking about how different my life would be if it wasn’t always about grades and school work, when I heard my phone ding.

New message from Lucy

aka my best friend the message read:

Hey want to come to a party with me on Friday?

Well I already knew the answer my mom would give me if I asked; No. So I texted back

Me: You know my mom wouldn’t let me go to a party in a million years. Right?

Lucy: Yes I know your mother but who says she has to know ;D

Me: Are you suggesting I sneak out and LIE to her?

Lucy has always wanted to see my so called “Rebellious” side but I always tell her how I don’t have one....right in this moment I was starting to rethink that theory....

Lucy: Yes thats exactly what I’m suggesting Amber. Just tell her we’re going to have a study sleep over to prep for finals.

Me: Lucy, finals are in a month.

Lucy: Exactly, she’ll think you are prep-ing yourself WAAAAAY in advance so you’ll look like the good little angel she wished to raise. It’s a win win.

Me: Idk....I’ve never lied to my parents this much......

Lucy: Oh come on. I know how stressed out you are about school and keeping your grades up right now because they are choosing the top percents of our class but, you just need a weekend to let it all out and have fun then on Monday you can get back on track and everything will be ok and back to normal

I took this in for a moment...I mean it sounds fool-proof but what if my mom did find out...the consequences for it would be never ending...SAT books due in 1 reports due every week.....I shuddered at the thought and texted Lucy back

Me: Well if you think so.....

Lucy: I know so. So are you in?

Me: I guess


Me: Um excuse me? What kind of party is this?

Lucy: Only the biggest party of the year; The seniors party.

Me: The seniors party?

Lucy: Are you serious you’ve never heard of the seniors party?

Me: Not to my knowledge....

Lucy: Its what I’ve been waiting for my entire high school career and you’ve NEVER HEARD OF IT????

Me: not a clue....sorry

Lucy: Ok. I have to explain it to you tomorrow in school. Got it?

Me: Got it. Well I’m getting tired so I’ll ttyl.

Lucy: Me too. sweet dreams Amber xoxo

Me: Sweet dreams Luc xoxo


And with that I locked my phone and fell asleep into what seemed to be one of the best nights of sleep I’ve had in a while.

~~~ So what did y’all think? Please stay with me I promise Dave, I mean “Drew” (lol), will show up soon. Haha please comment and tell me your thoughts.

xoxo, Cellie

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