Chapter 1

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"Kick her ass! You got this!" a few onlookers rooted my anonymous opponent.

I closed my eyes as my face collided with the painted cement of the locker room floor. I squeezed them tight, hoping to put my pain at it's minimum. I'd never been a fighter, I'd never actually had a chance to swing back, and being caught off guard made the situation that much worse.

"That'll be the last time you fuck with her man!" A familiar voice called.

I could just barely hear it over the ringing in my ears, but I was able to make out a face. My assailant, Kenzie Mathis, was the best friend of Kaylee Taylor... My brother's girlfriend!

Before i could say anything, a big foot came crashing into my rib cage. In that moment, I realized that I was only partly clothed. The girl had caught me putting on my jeans and, instead of talking, kicked me in the back of my knee.She'd hit me several times and the spikes from her cleats could have killed.

I was completely lost as to why I was having my ass handed to me. All I could remember is talking to my brother before my daily rounds. Although I could hardly breathe, I was determined to figure out the reason behind this beating.

"Why are you doing this?" I coughed.

Kenzie's fist collided with my jaw once again, knocking me back to the ground. I was just able to open my eyes and get a glimpse of her pinned, blonde hair.

"Because, no one fucks with Kaylee!" She yelled between punches. "You know Shaun's her's and you still fucking kissed him, you bitch!"

"No, no no!" I tried to defend myself, wrapping my arms around my head."Shaun is my brother, he's my brother!"

"What?" Kenzie's hand cupped around her ear. "Speak up, I can't hear you, slut!"

"Please stop,"I begged. "P-Please, stop it, please?"

"Awwh, what are you gonna do, go cry to your mommy?" She teased. " Oh, that's right... you can't because she's in Hell! But don't worry, you two will meet up in the after-life!"

That hit me hard, no one had ever spoken about my mom like that. She was the only thing I had, born in a home with no father, and she died in labor. i guess the intensity is just that much! The thought of my mother sent my mind into a deep shock, causing my body to shut down completely. My arms were weak, my legs felt hollow and my lungs felt as if they were slowly caving... I'M STUCK!

"Well girls, this looks like an awful god recognized this voice to be Kaylee Taylor. Kenzie's best friend and, even worse, my big brother's girlfriend.

"I got it!" Kenzie replied.

A thick, leather strap was handed to Kaylee and she slowly made her way over to my side. There'd always been rumors of what happened in the  House of Seta. Lashings in particular. My eyes started to water as her footsteps got closer. The thought of a belt in the hands of this girl could only mean trouble, I felt sorry for her future children.

"Please don't," I begged, my voice cracking as my mind entered the near future. Get up, do something! Move, they're gonna kill you!  I thought. Slowly regaining my strength, I tried lifting myself but was quickly taken out of the daydream where I escape as Kaylee's foot connected with my back. 

"Stay down, and don't beg, it only makes my part more fun," Her voice seemed so distant, but she was so close. 

As her arm went higher into the air, my cries became stronger. I was desperate for some one to hear me! The sudden rush of the belt coming closer helped me convince my body to function and I was able to lift myself to a nearby corner. Right as my upper half made its way up, a searing pain shot through my lower back. It felt as if I'd had the sound knocked out of me. My chest began to tighten and I could practically taste the leather!

"That's enough!" A woman, clearly, much older than us yelled.

The locker room fell silent and everything seemed to halt. 

"I've had about enough of this foolishness!" She scolded. "Every time I set foot in here, there's something going on. Don't you hooligans know that i heard you all the way in the main hall?" The lady took a brief pause."Taylor, what are you doing?"

"I was trying to get to my locker, but brown-nose over there just had to start some drama," Kaylee answered. My head fell back to the brick wall and I was staring at the lights embedded into the ceiling. I knew I wouldn't be able to speak, my asthma had spoken for itself. Before I could even begin one word, i would have to hold in enough oxygen to give a whole speech!

"Is this true, Adams?" The lady asked. 

I tried to answer, but my voice was still absent from my previous lashing. All that I had to protest with was a simple shake of the head.

"You are such a liar!" This voice was new to the conversation, but still worth recognition. Hailee Fisher, another one of them! "We all saw you kiss Kay-Kay's man!"

"Is this true, Ms.Adams?" I had no way out of this! My voice wouldn't work and I wasn't the type to lie. i knew that I would get caught if I did so the best way out of this was the truth, which probably wouldn't get me very far. I had kissed my brother, but only because he'd bought me the best birthday gift ever! He'd given me two backstage passes to a Warped tour concert, how he got them, I don't know, but it really doesn't matter as long as it wasn't illegal. Today I was officially 15 years old, this was supposed to be a good day!

I nodded, still refusing to lie.

"Can you not talk, Adams?" I shook my head, eyes growing wide with hope. Maybe she understood my current physical state!"Well... let me tell you something."

I waited for her words of wisdom. I finally lifted my head and my eyes locked with hers. The crystal color of Mrs.Rot's eyes held me captive as her lips parted to share her thoughts.

"Nobody feels sorry for you, Adams, I've defended you so many times and it's time for you to start fighting for yourself," Her words broke me in two. No one had said that to Kaylee, her best friend was fighting for her!"Now hit the shower and go home."

I looked around to see if anyone was still watching. Everyone was turned around, talking quietly amongst themselves as they gathered their things to leave. The only one still watching was Kaylee, smiling devilishly as she slung her backpack over her shoulder. Hailee close behind, they made their way to the back door, practically killing me with their eyes. The same belt that marked me was now around Kaylee's waist as if it had never left.

She looked back at me one last time, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed before they exited. Hailee looked back at me, I could see the sorrow in her eyes, but the want to fit in was more apparent. She wanted to help me, but couldn't because of her ego. She knew that if she turned on Kaylee, my pain would be her's as well.

"Danielle!" Coach Rot yelled. "Hot the showers, I want you gone in five!"

I gathered my bag and it's spilled contents from the floor, shuffling to my feet as her voice echoed through the locker room. Damn this cardiovascular disorder! I thought.



Well, that's it for the first chapter... I need a few more votes before I can write the second one, maybe two more!! I hope you like it :) 

Kaylee And Kenzie Over Dere----------------------------------------------------------------->>

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