Part Time Job?

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I walked back in the room seeing them sitting in beanbags chatting and playing the games.
Gosh they would be so cute together.

"Noel what took you so long?",  Aria said looking at me with a questioning face.
"And where is my food!!!"
Shoot! I knew I forgot something, ugh why me.

"You can wait" I said bluntly, Felix chuckled at my response with Arianna blushing hard. "

"Come on please, I'm gunna starve."

"Aria you ate about a half an hour ago" I said.

"We'll anytime is snack time" she said with a wink.

A few hours later we were playing 'Just Dance', my dad walked in with a big grin on his face.
I'm suspicious to why was he so happy?

"Noel can I talk to you quick and then you can come back".

Stepping out into the hallway seeing that Arianna and Felix were to busy to notice I left, maybe they do like each other.

"Guess who's the best dad ever?" I grinned at my dad, he already knows I know he is.

He dropped arms and sighed "You really don't know me at all." he crossed his arms like a child.

"What is it dad?"

"I 'the best dad ever' got you a job here with me so we can always have father daughter time!"

I stood there in awe, " but dad I don't know anything about gaming how am I suppose to do this?, don't I have to go to college for this?"

"You, my dear have to many questions you could just say 'dad that's the bestest idea ever, I'd love to do this'"

"Did you just really say bestest? That's not even a word?"
He rubbed my arm making me laugh.

"Ok daddy I'd love to do it just tell me.... Who's going to teach me all these technology stuff?"

"Shoot sweetie I have a meeting I'll send your job tutor to the house later ok?!"

"Ok I'll see you later" he kissed my head jogging out of the room leaving me in the hallway alone with my thoughts.

'How do I do this job? Who is my tutor? Is she/he someone I can learn from easily?'
I have a feeling this is going to be really challenging.

Someone poked my sides making me squeal, "Hey I told you I hate jumper cables" turning to see Arianna glaring at me.

"What's wrong Aria?"

"You still haven't gotten my food!"

I grasped onto her collar making her gasp, "smell my foot" I responded cheekily at her releasing my grip on her making her fall down on her knees and laugh.

"Ok EatsAlot"

As she got up I pointed my finger at her holding my stance, "Hey that's Mrs.EatsAlot to you!".

Going into the break room to finding it empty with no people just pop machines, food machines, tables, and chairs.

We choose some Cheetos, Reese's, Butterfingers, Doretos, some Pepsi and Coke.
When Walking back we tried not failing to carry all of it but I tripped on my foot and fell ontop of someone with a very hard chest like abs?
Who works here with abs?

"Sorry I didn't mean too. This it's my fault, I should know that I can't do more than one thing at a time than carrying food and walking."

"It's ok Noel" wait who is this? I moved chips out of his face and curls?
Seeing Harry without his glass' and his shirt pulled to show bird tattoos on each side of his chest.

If he dressed like this al the time he would seem like a very sexy gamer, do I find him atractive?

"Hello?" He said waving his hands In front of my face "oh sorry I didn't mean to stare I just..."

"What the hell, what did you do to my precious food?" looking up to see Aria and Felix staring at Harry and I in our weird position.

"We'll this is awkward" Harry mumbled into my ear, I pushed myself off of Harry to go to the ladys bathroom this time the right one!

"Noel!" Harry said peeling himself off the floor following me but I shut the door I front of his face and locked it.

"Noel I have to talk to you please open the door." Harry said pounding on the door, why I choose to lock myself in the bathroom I don't know I just knew I had to be alone right now.

"Common please I just wanna talk to you, I..." He paused.

"Just open the door"

•Harry's POV•

Why won't she just open the door. I get it she was feeling awkward from what happened but she stayed in that position and just stared at me, not that I didn't like it, I did.
I think?

Next thing I knew I was in the bathroom right beside her which surprised me because I felt like she wouldn't let anyone in till the end of time.

"So what do you need to tell me Harry", I wish I could be my self around her but she is my bosses  daughter things can't be normal between us.

"Common spit it out!" She said seriously, we'll I better tell her now.

"Noel I'm you tutor"


Ok you guys question of the day if you could have any tutor who would it be? And remember it doesn't have to be anyone from one direction but choose someone famous!!

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