The Nickname

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All the night everything fell uncomfterable as the question went threw his brain "that's a while from now" he pushed it off "Harry I'm 17 and I'm going to graduate soon" his cool breath fanned my cheek "can we talk about this tomorrow?" I turned around keeping my hands on his chest and my head leaning on his "ok".

After I arrived at the school seeing the snow cover the roads and pavements I loved seeing LA like this but it rarely snowed, and this was my home my town but I needed to get away.
"Hey Noel there you are it seems like a while" I turned around looking in the parking lot to find Mr.Payne locking his car doors "well Mr.Payne I'm in your class so I don't get how that's right" I giggled tossing my bag over my back "well most of the time when I see you your zoning out into another world but as long as your passing your tests it ok right?" He laughed holding his suitcase in one hand and adjusting his tie in the other "you in a hurry this morning?" I asked also noticing that his shirt was about four buttons undone so you could see some of tan skin "yeah I woke up and helped my roommate with his studying for some of his collage classes" he opened the door for me and the smell of coffee and food filled my nose.
"umm what are you doing living with a roommate?" He was a teacher, wouldn't that be a little weird living with a collage student "Noel I graduated last year I'm 21, wait how old did you think I was?" His brown eyes glanced to the custodians than back at me "your 21? I thought... I don't know, you do look pretty young to be a teacher I just assumed god blessed you with grate looks" did I really just say that out loud?! "Well it looks like I'm not the only one" smiling warmly at me with a wink.

The rest of the walk to my locker Mr.Payne and I talked about collage an how he found it easy because he payed a lot of tension in school.. I should do that more often.
"So Noel I seen you walking with Mr.Payne you lucky girl" Arianna blushed fanning herself and pulled her jacket off and placed it in her locker next to mine "YOU were walking with Mr.Payne... You know what the girls' nickname for him is right?" Pressing my locker shut and turning around to see Kat standing there dapper waiting for my explanation.
"I just walked in the school with him is that a crime! And what do the girls call him?" She leaned close to my ear and whispered it "why????!!!" I laughed not thinking strait "there was a rumor in collage that the girls got to know him very close and he had his way around" the bell rang letting us all know that we should be in class now so I waved goodbye and made my way to first hour.

The whole day has gone by fast and all the girls giggled and gasped at Mr.Payne when he ever entered a room and gave me the death glare whenever he waved at me.
The girls and I walked into our last class to find him writing equations on the board and a bunch of numbers 'advanced algebra' I didn't want to take this class but I knew it would be great for my collage applications.
"ok you guys lets get started, if you can solve the first equation on the board ill take 15 questions off of your homework.
time to test if you've been listening" his lips curled into a little grin.
I wrote the equation hoping that it was right but hell I am no genius, nobody even tried because they looked intimidated by Mr.Payne's teaching
"Mr.Payne is the answer X=28?" His hand rubbed against his jaw and rubbed the little stubble he had which was adorable.
"Good job Ms.Jefferson you are correct" he noticed I listened "ok class your assignment will be pg.178 #16-40" Kat pointed out that Mr.Payne was wearing skinny jeans trying to make a point of how he got the nickname but I think it's mostly the hormones and for Arianna she just sat there in her seat watching pewdiepie, I guess he went back home.

The bell rang, finally I get to go home. Slamming my locker shut and then checking my phone for any texts from Harry, but there was none.
"Noel wait" standing up strait from my locker to see the tall brown hair and brown eyes man walking towards me "so Mr.Payne" he laughed walking to my side "you can call me Liam I'd much rather prefer that" his little quiff was perfectly combed and if I didn't know he was a teacher I could've sworn he was a student.

"So I was wondering if maybe soon this weekend we could meet up for lunch or something?" I nodded remembering how much I actually enjoyed our last conversation "yeah I like talking to you" his sneakers kicked some of the snow on the ground "really sneakers? Arn't those a little you know, 2008?" His shoulders shrugged and he pulled an innocent look "but their comfy" I slightly shoved him playfully causing him to stumble and fall in a big pile of snow. "I'm so sorry Liam" reaching my hands out to help him back up, but the opposite happen "Liam Payne!!!" I screamed as I fell in the snow "it's just a little snow Noel it won't hurt ya" I rolled in the snow trying to make an angel when he appeared hovering over me staring down at my lips "Noel..." He started to lean in closer my alarms going off HARRY "no Liam" he froze confused and than looked at me "I have a boyfriend, I'm sorry if you think I lead you on" his eyes showed me sympathy "no I'm sorry I shouldn't have went that far, your boyfriends one lucky man I'm just sad I didn't get to meet you first" I rubbed his shoulder and hugged him on his side "you'll find someone Liam" he cocked his head to the side and whipped the snow off of my face.
"I have but she's been taken apparently" I felt so bad I never broken someone's heart before "still friends?" I questioned, I mean Liam is so nice and a type of guy I wanna keep in my life "yes...but I won't stop trying to win your heart" he mumbled the last part and we walked to our vehicles, he waved a goodbye and I waved back.. I hope one day we can just be casual friends around each other. By I still wonder how did he get the nickname 'Payne train'?


Yeay a chapter about Liam!!!! Haven't wroten about him in a while so why not!!!! Did you guys watch the boys on the xfactor last night they sung midnight memories and I almost died!!!!!
Question of the day, how do you think Noel should find out about Liam's nickname?

Ps. please spread the word about this story cause I wanna know if people will like it good enough to make a SECOND BOOK TO THIS ONE!!!!!!



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