Dream Come True

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"Louis? Noel?" She looked up her eyes fluttering open to show her brown gleaming eyes and a smile coming in view "Kat?" Louis whispered rubbing his blue eyes to make sure this was real "I heard everything Lou and I felt the baby kick two must be happy to see you, just like me" he hugged her tight and Harry walked in the door captivating the scene and then calling for the nurse to come.

"You got my message Noel?" I looked down at her small week body that hasn't regain the strength to sit up so Lou help her and kissed her cheek.
"Yes I did sweetie, you know how to make an entry" I laughed and hugged into Harry who stood beside me with his hand placed on the small of my back "hello there Harry" she waved and he smirked holding me to his body to keep me heated "hey Kat" Louis rapped his arms securely around her and kissing the top of her head.

The nurse came in with the doctor following behind her with a big smile "hello Katerina, I see you choose to finally wake up" the doctor joked and she couldn't help to keep smiling "yeah my mind just couldn't handle the darkness anymore" he laughed checking all of the machines and taking vital signs and temps.
"well you guys, today at noon you are free to take her home but we have a few more things to take and a few tests we need to take" I jumped up and down with joy hugging my curly hair boyfriend closely.
"but you guys need to get going so we can get started" I held Louis arm but the doctor stopped "oh and Mr.Tomlinson congrats on the engagement I hope you and Ms.Katerina have a nice marriage " Kitty looked at Louis bewildered he must have forgotten to tell her about what he said to the doctor to get in to the room.

She sat in the bed as we left smiling and playing with the bed sheets, "Louis are you and her actually getting engaged" he bent down digging into his boot pulling a little box out and handed it to me, opening it to find a beautiful ring that had a diamond shaped heart and a few diamonds around it "Louis it is so beautiful, when do you plan on asking her??" I smiled seeing Harry walking behind us adjusting his glasses, swiping his curls to the side and licking his pink rosy lips "I was going to do it this weekend but then the doctor mentioned it so I don't know" I moved my eyes from Harry and handed the ring back to him and he took it in his big hands and his blue eyes clearly making him think of Kitty.

"She'll love it Lou" I giggled pushing his shoulder to stop him from over worrying "do you think so?" I nodded feeling arms hug me from behind, Harry.
"You know what guys I think I'm ok to drive home by myself now that I know Kat's ok" I nodded giving him a hug "we'll see you around Lou" he waved making his way in a different direction.
As I sat on the passenger seat and Harry shutting my door and making his way around the other side, putting the truck in drive and making our way back home, with one thing on my mind 'is the baby ok'?

Kat's POV

The doctor ran some tests on me and asked some questions that I was willing to answer but I just wanted to get out of here now not at noon.

"ok now the last thing we need to do is check on the baby to make sure everything is good"
He applied some jell below my stomach and grabbed the sensor to look at the baby I crossed m fingers for the best hoping that everything was the same but the way the doctor looked I feared the worst.
His brow was raised as he moved the devise in his hand around and than placed it down to go back on his computer "hmmm mhmm" he mumbled and all my body just froze, is there something wrong with the baby; it's not...dead... Is it?

"Well well this is just different" he said to himself and then typed something's in the computer and then looking back at the screen that showed were the baby was 'suppose' to be.
I pulled my hands together saying a quick prayer and the doctor just sat there quiet and looked at me and then calling in the nurse.

She walked in and the doctor ushered her to look at the screen and spoke in a whisper in her ear and they both shared a smile and glanced at me
"In my four years of being a doctor this is a first and I've delivered a lot of baby's...." He chuckled and the nurse started to laugh and cry at the same time "doctor show her" she cheered with tears running down her cheeks the doctor turned the screen and pointed at something I could barley tell what it was 'cuz you know...I'm not a doctor "say hello to baby.." I smiled, and thanked god that the baby as ok.
"...baby number one and baby number two" I froze did he just say...no... What?... Two baby's?


Question of the day, do you think the baby's sex's will be?



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