Chapter 1

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We just pulled up to the fashion building for the meeting. It's huge around here. My mom stopped to look at me before we got out. I didn't wanna make eye contact because she says it 'ticks her off' the way I be looking at her. I don't look at her no other way than the way I look at everyone but what she says goes so.

"When we get inside, don't embarrass me." She ordered and I just nodded and looked out the window. "Did you hear me?" She asked rudely and I nodded again. A few seconds later I felt a sting on my right arm and it was slightly turning red. "I SAID DO YOU HEAR ME!??!?" She screamed and I shook my head frantically with tears running down my face.

"Yes ma'am." I cried and she got out the car and so did I.

We walked up to the glass doors where the guards stood waiting.

"Fix your face before we walk in here. I don't want no cry baby walking beside me." She criticized and I wiped my face. Just then a light skinned woman with long blonde hair and black roots came over to us. She was so pretty and she looked just like my favorite rapper Nicki Minaj. Wait...Could it be?

"Hey Lexi!!" She greeted while hugging my mom.

"Hey Nicki boo! How you been?" My mom said tryna be all nice and ish.

"Im doing good and who is this pretty girl?" She said smiling down at me. Did I mention I was short for my age? Im 5'0. A shortie.

"Oh. Her." My mom said rolling her eyes. i looked down at my feet, hurt.

"Hey sweetie. What's your name?" Nicki asked but i stayed looking down at my feet as i spoke.

"Im Siyani'." I whispered trying to hide the tears. I am actually talking to THE Nicki Minaj and I wanna be happy but my mom didn't even tell me she worked with Nic, and she knows how much i love her.

"Well hi Siyani'. Im Nicki. It's nice to meet you. Lexi how come you never told anyone you had a child?" Nicki asked and my eyes grew wide. She never told anyone about me? That explains why I never EVER went out with her anywhere. Im always stuck in the house all the time with our maid. I couldn't even hide the tears anymore.

"Because I didn't want nobody to know. The only reason I brought her today is because nobody wants to see about her aggravating behind! Anyways lets go. Enough talking to the crybaby." My mom confessed walking away from me and I instantly got angry. Nicki looked at me and I saw the sadness apear over her facial expression as my mom pulled her away from me.

I turned around to see a young girl in a nice outfit smiling down at me.

"You must be Siyani'? Correct?" She asked and I nodded. "Well im Carlie. Your mom asked me to watch you while you're here. So come on! I'll show you to your place." She said leading me to a room which looked like a small waiting room. I can tell Im going to be bored in here. "Here you are. You can look through the magazines but your mom said for you to stay quiet and don't leave the room."

I nodded but before she could walk out I spoke.

"How do I have to stay in here?" I asked and she turned around.

"3 hours." She said and turned to leave. I sighed and looked around the room. This is gonna be a loonngggg three hours.


We are walking to the meeting room but i can't keep my mind off of Alexis's little girl. I can't beleive she didn't even tell anyone about her and the mean things she said about her I know can't be true. I want to talk to her. I want to know what is going on. Hopefully she tells me.

SIYANI' NICOLE~ Nicki Minaj's My Diary *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now