Chapter 8

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I've been having panick attacks since Siyani' was kidnapped 3 hours ago and I don't know where she could be! We checked the cameras outside and saw them throw her...literally throw her, inside of the big black truck and sped off up the street. I just want my baby. I promised her that I wouldn't let nobody hurt her anymore but I didn't know. I blame myself for not watching her.

"Nic, dont blame yourself for this! You're hurting yourself!" Drake said comforting me. All of Young Money is over to my house.

"Yea Babe, don't stress. We gonna find her.......hopefully." Shanell said rubbing circles in my back.

"Have you ate yet?" Birdman asked and I shook my head no.

"If i cant have my baby to eat with then I dont wanna eat." I said wiping the waterworks off my face so more could fall.

"Nic, you gotta eat!" Wayne coached looking at the time which is now 12 midnight but I shook my head.

"Somebody come with me, Im gonna find her. If she's not with me by tomorrow Im killing." I said standing up and putting on my black hoodie that matched the black sweats and my Jordan 3's that I have on.

"Nic, you cant just do that!" Wayne yelled but I ignored him and walked out the house.

"Come on guys!" I heard Wayne say as they followed me to Birdman's black escalade.

Me, Shanell, Drake, Tyga, Gudda, Twist and Chuckee got in the back rows and Wayne in the passenger seat while Birdman drove. Everyone payed close attention as we promed the streets. Then we seen another black truck speed from an alley.

"Take cover!!!" Wayne yelled to us and we ducked. All I could hear were gunshots sounding off.

WHERE IS MY CHILD!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!


I am in darkness. I see nothing. My body is in pain. I hear sounds but I can't make them out. They sound like scratches. I feel light headed, like I have no head at all. I want to scream help, but no one will hear my cry. I wonder am I alive? What is going on within me.......I want Nicki.

*About an hour later....*

I see a light. Its forming circles. I can see my vision. I lifted my head a little and noticed Im laying in a pool of..smells like gas. I try to get up but a pain shoot through my side. I took it a little easy and sat up. I looked around poorly to see where I am...Im in an alley. I lifted my hands to see them cut and bruised. I felt my stomach and it was a bloody mess. How am I still alive? I got on all fours and begin crawling to the alley path since I can no longer stand. My feet are cut badly and I can no longer feel them to know they are there or not. I crawled to the side of the path and sat. I felt my face and flinched at the touch. I know I look hidieous. I know nobody wants me. I smell like death and probably look like it too. I squinted my eyes as a trucks bright light nearly blinded me. I heard a familiar voice step out of the car. I know that voice from somewhere but I can't remember. Who is she?


After the last gunshot sounded, we got back up and headed down the alley. I told Birdman to drive slow. Just when I saw a little girl sitting by the side of the path, i told him to stop. Everyone gave me a look.

"I think its my baby! Look!" I yelled to them and everyone got out of the car and walked over to her.

"Nic....Is this....her?" Drake said looking down at the girl. I couldn't tell who she was because her hair was all over her face. Her body looked as if she would fall apart at one touch. She had her head down in her hands and in fatal position.

SIYANI' NICOLE~ Nicki Minaj's My Diary *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now