Chapter 7

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It was the next morning. I stood in the bathroom mirror and checked my appearance. James would be here anytime now.

This has been one hell of a week.

I wore boyfriend jeans with holes in them and a white tee shirt with the sleeves rolled up with an over sized jean jacket. My hair was in it's natural state falling on my shoulders in its wild curls.

I wasn't ugly. Well I sure didn't think so. A little flat in some places but I was petite so it looked good on me. I had a nice firm ass from dancing. I really love my ass.

"Ellie! Someone's at the door for you!" Jesus he wasn't joking about meeting mama.

I grabbed my dance bag and walked down the hall to be face to face with the devil himself. He smiled at me.

"Hey." He spoke.

"Hey." This time I spoke.

"Ew you two are gross." Rayne said as she walked away.

"That's my little sister, Rayne."

"I kind of figured."

Mama came out of the kitchen and smiled.

"Hello." She said with the biggest smile on her face.

I could tell James was confused. My mama didn't look like me. Yes she was black but she looked too young to have so many kids. She was like 40 with 11 kids whose birthdays were a little too close together.

"Hello, ma'am." He stretched his hand out for her to shake but mama was a hugger.

"I was expecting some type of thug to walk through those doors. Eleanor doesn't really go for the suits type."

"Jesus, mama." I hit my hand over my head.

Little did she know. James was far worse than the guys I dated. Hell, he probably owned them.

"Hush up, child. Where are you from, James?"

"Corinaldo, Italy."

"Oh Eleanor got her a foreign one. Well i'll leave you two alone now. Have fun on your date."

James held the door for me and we stepped out side.

"Your mother seems nice."

He held the car door open for me and walked to the other side and got in.

"Why didn't you tell me you were adopted?"

"I'm not adopted. Thats my foster home. I've been there since I was five when my birth parents died in a car accident. There used to be more of us but they got adopted through out the years. Mama only kept the 'troubled' kids."

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents."

"No it's fine it happened a really long time ago. No use in living in the past it won't bring them back."

"Why didn't you tell your mother about whats going on?"

"Because it will kill her if she knew I was doing something this stupid." It was like I hurt him when I said that. His face grew sad but it was quickly replaced with a smile.

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