Brother's Best Friend (2) (Nick and Mickaela)

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Beep.Beep.Beep.  I groaned at the familiar sound of my alarm clock going off telling me to wake up.  I hit snooze and pulled my blanket over my head, trying to maintain the heat it offered.  "Mickaela! Wake up." My older brother, Collin, yelled through the door. "I don't want to." I whine under the covers. I hear him sigh. "Alright but I didn't want to do this." He says grimly. My curiosity got to me, wondering what he was talking about. I hear his footsteps disappear, and I smile and snuggle back into my sleeping position.

I hear footsteps walking toward my door and then they suddenly stop. "Last chance Micka." Collin warns. I turn my back to the door and close my eyes. "I didn't want to do this." He says as the sound of a phone being unlocked rings through the hallway. It goes silent for a moment. "He wouldn't dare." I mutter.
Then the music started. "And I was like baby baby baby. Nooo. Baby Baby ohh."
My eyes opened immediately and I raced to my door. I threw it open while snatching my brother's phone and stopping the music. "Oh good. You're up." Collin says cheerfully. "I'll start breakfast, you go get ready." He says pointing to my bathroom. I stick my tongue out at him and walk toward my closet. I picked out an outfit and placed it on the bed. I closed my door and walked towards the bathroom that was inside my room. I grabbed some underwear and a towel, then closed the door. The doorbell rang, I knew immediately that Nick, our neighbor had entered.
I started the water and stripped out of my pajamas. I threw them into my hamper and stepped in the shower. After I finished cleaning myself and washing my hair I stepped out. I grabbed my towel and started drying myself off. I put my underwear on and started towel drying my hair. I opened the door and let the small amount of steam flow out.
I asked for the time and looked at my mini clock and sighed in relief. 6:45. The two of them always gave the same answer.
As Nick kept having thoughts of what to do I was making my waffles. "Hey, Nick. You want some?" I ask. He remained quiet. I looked over at him to find him staring. I blushed slightly and walked over to him. "Hey, Nick? You okay?" I was getting slightly concerned now. "Nick? Hello? Earth to Nick." I started to wave my hands in front of his face. He suddenly blinked and grabbed my hand. "What'd you say." He asked while his nose turned slightly pink. "I was asking if you wanted any waffles." I say quietly, looking in his eyes.
He didn't respond, but looked back into my eyes. No words were exchanged. We just looked. His eyes flickered down from my eyes to my lips. He bit his lip and stared into my eyes once again. He slowly leaned in,as did I. My eyes flickered closed as we got closer. I could feel his breath on my lips. He moved his hand from my wrist to my cheek as our lips touched. My arms snaked around his neck as his went around my waist. Our lips moved in perfect sync. My cheeks were probably tomato red but at this moment I didn't care. While we were kissing, I didn't notice the waffles burning. Until the smell of them reached us. Our eyes shot open and we pulled away. I ran and took them off the stove before they caught in fire. "Well, there goes breakfast." I mumble. Nick laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I guess now is a good time for this." He pause and turned me around to face him.
"Mickaela I really like, wait no scratch that, I love you. Ever since you moved in to this house. When I saw you standing outside. With your brown hair shinning in the sun. The way your brown eyes shine when you're excited or happy. And your smile that can light up a room without even trying.  I've always wanted to tell you....It's just that I was nervous that you wouldn't feel the same way. I didn't want you to leave me, or stop being my friend." By this time my eyes had filled with tears from  his sweet words. " I was going to plan this really romantic way to say this but, I guess this way works to." He finishes laughing slightly. I smile and place my forehead on his. "I'll finish this now. If I keep going, I won't be able to stop."He smiled while looking in my eyes. "Micka... Will you do me the most wonderful thing in the world by becoming my girlfriend?" He finished with a hopeful look in his eye. I huge smile spread across my face as the tears fell down my face. I nodded and hugged him tightly. "I never thought you felt that way. You don't know how happy I am." I say pulling back to see his face. A big grin had taken place upon his lips. He wiped the tears that had fallen, and pulled me closer.
Our lips touched once again as we stood in the middle of the kitchen. Happy that we had finally gotten our long hidden feelings out, and told. With the result that we never expected.

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