The New Kid (2) (Richard and Clarisse)

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"Class, I have an announcement to make," Mr. Polk, my english teacher said loudly. "Today we have a new student." Mr. Polk turned to the doorway and gestured for someone to come in.
Slowly, a tall brunette boy walked in looking at the ground shyly. "This is Richard Days. Please, go easy on him since it's his first day." Richard glanced up at the classroom. All the girls were straining their necks to get a good look at him. He was pretty cute. He looked straight at me, then quickly looked back down at the ground. His cheeks had turned a slight pink color.
"Hi..." Richard mumbled. Mr. Polk faced the class again. "Now, who would like to show Richard around the school for a few days?" All the girls raised their hands eagerly. Mr. Polk scanned the room then looked in the back row right at me. "Ah. Miss. Bennett. Would you mind being Richard's tour guide for a few days?"
"N-No, not at all, Mr. Polk." I stuttered. Rebecca, the mean popular girl, rolled her eyes. "Of course, the s-s-stutterer gets to show new boy around," she rudely whispered to the person next to her, just loud enough for me to hear. My sank into my seat. "Wonderful. Richard, you can go and sit in the back next to Clarisse." Richard nodded and walked to the back of the classroom next to me. I looked over to him. "Hi." I whispered.
"So, Richard, where are you from?"
"Boston, Massachusetts." he whispered back.
"I never would've guessed. You don't have the 'Boston' accent."
"Not everyone has it. I try my best not to use it, but sometimes I say a word with it. It's quite embarrassing." Richard looked over at me and gave me a small smile. Now I had a good look at his face. He was really, really cute, and had incredible eyes. "I stutter sometimes. O-Only when I get nervous." I said. Richard nodded. "So, Richard, t-tell me about yourself."
"There isn't really much to say. I'm pretty shy, but that's obvious."
I giggled."What do you like to do for fun?" Richard looked down at the desk and his cheeks turned pink again. "'re going to think this is really lame, but, um, I like to, erm...write stories." I smiled at him. "I don't think that's lame, I think that's really creative. Maybe one day I could read one?"
"Yeah, sure, maybe. Just promise me you won't tease me..."
"I promise. What else do you li-," I started. "Miss Bennett? Is that you I hear?" Mr. Polk scolded, looking at me from behind his desk. "E-Erm, yes. Sorry, Mr. Polk. I-It won't happen again." I answered quickly, blushing. I leaned over to Richard again and said even more quietly, "Wanna talk more at lunch?" Richard nodded then turned his attention back to face Mr. Polk.

In the next couple of weeks that went by, Richard and I became really great friends. We had a lot in common and he was fun to hang out with. Richard was still shy around most people, but had opened up to me. He was actually really funny and goofy. The more the two of us got closer, the more I began to have feelings for him. Hey, who wouldn't? With his dark, soft hair that always looked perfect, his breathtaking smile, and those dreamy eyes, he could make any girl melt with just a glance. Of course he didn't know that, he isn't really confident with himself, and if anyone complimented him he didn't believe it.

It was now late mid-December and holiday parties were going on every other day. Rebecca had been eyeing Richard since the day he got here, and she hates me even more now that I'm good friends with him. In an attempt to get closer to Richard, she invited him to her Holiday party that coming Saturday at her house. The rules were you had to bring a date, and she was hinting like crazy for Richard to ask her, but he was oblivious. Later that day, Richard came up to me at my locker and asked me if I wanted to go with him. "What? Why not Rebecca?" I asked, a bit stunned. I was sure Richard only liked me as a friend. Plus he's got more than half the girls in the grade swooning over him. "I just thought I'd have ten times more fun with you than I'd ever have with Rebecca. I'd feel awkward around her, ya know? Anyways, she's not even my type." he told me, leaning up against the lockers in front of mine. "Oh really?" I raised and eyebrow at him. Rebecca was the Queen Bee of the school for a reason. She was gorgeous, but a spoiled brat. "Yes, really. I like classy girls, not trashy girls. Plus...I would rather not have my face chewed off Saturday." Richard joked. I giggled. Richard wasn't cheeky like this in front of anyone except me. It made me feel special. "Well, I would love to go with you to the party, Rick."
"Yay! This will be so much fun." Richard smiled and pulled me into a bear hug. I hoped he couldn't tell how hot my cheeks were getting when he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I hugged him back, putting my arms around his waist. As I did this, I received a few dirty looks from the girls around me. Richard didn't even notice, but I did.
That night I went to the mall and bought a new dress for myself. I never really was a girly girl, but when I saw this turquoise knee length dress, I fell in love and immediately tried it on. It hugged all my curves and slimmed my waist; it was perfect. I remembered Richard had said he liked "classy girls, not trashy girls", and this dress was the definition of classy with its light pink lace bust and gorgeous turquoise skirt-like bottom. I even splurged on some pink mary-jane heels to match. I had a pair of earrings that would match at home, so I didn't bother buying any jewelry. I decided Saturday night at the party I would confess my feelings for Richard. After hugging him today I had thought a lot about if I should tell him or not. I felt like if I told him in the early friendship I told him, we'd have an easier time going back to friends if it didn't work out.

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