Handicaped (Austin and Tristan)

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I was in a hospital visiting my aunt. She had developed an acute pneumonia to both her lungs. I was talking to her privately while everyone else went to get something to eat. A few tears trickled down my cheeks.
"Oh Tristan. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine" My aunt says.
"But you're my favourite aunt, and I don't want to lose you" I answered,
"Tris, when you lose someone you love, someone new always comes. When you lose a friend, you always get a new one" she explains softly.
"Someone always comes? But I...I don't want a new aunt" I said.
"And you won't need a new aunt. You might just find a boy out there, who cares enough. A boy who will love you" she says.
"How will I know he loves me? How will I know I love him?" I asked.
"If you really love someone, you'll accept them no matter who they are, or what they look like, you'll have the feeling like everything in the world has just stopped. You'll know" she smiles. Somehow my eyes wandered out the hall to see a handsome boy, about my age, in a wheel chair. He looked at me with his green eyes and smiled. Something in my mind made me feel like everything had just stopped and we were the only two on the planet. Everything went silent as I gazed into his eyes. Wait. Everything had gone silent. Your head jerked towards my aunt, her heart rate had stopped and the machine had a long slow beep. I shut my eyes and dropped my head into my hands.
"I'll miss you" I mumbled. I went out, sat on the bench outside the room and cried. Images of my aunt and I flashed through my head as I remembered all the good times we had had. And her voice telling me about love, and how it's what keeps you together.
"Are you okay?" a voice asked. I looked up to see the boy from before.
"Not really" I mumbled into my hands,
"What happened?" he asked.
"My aunt just passed" I cried. He rubbed my arm, which made me feel better.
"I'm Austin" he smiles.
"Tristan" I attempted to smile back.
"It's going to be better, she's in a better place" he smiles again, his smile was beautiful.
"Did you know her?" I asked.
"I've talked to her a bit, she was really nice" he says
"She was like that" I giggled. We talked until my family said it was time to go. He made me feel better. We decided to exchange numbers and texted a lot.

3 Months later

I was at Austin's house. Honestly I liked him ever since I laid eyes on him. Like really liked him. Not those stupid little crushes that dissipate over time. Quiet the contrary actually. My love was increasing each time I saw that beautiful smile of his.
We talked for a while, until I worked up the courage to ask him, how he ended up in a wheelchair.
"I got into a car accident when I was younger, and I just never recovered" he said. His face looked a little sad as he told me his little story.
"A lot of my friends left me, thought I wasn't cool because I was handicapped, well until I get handicap parking and benefits, but otherwise I lost a lot of friends" That was really sad.
"That's stupid, even if you're in a wheelchair, I think you're still awesome" I smiled. He smiled back. I gave him a hug.
"I think you're awesome too"
"And that is why we are best friends" I smiled, "Because we're awesome"
"I love you" Austin said out of nowhere.
"What?" I asked. Did I hear that correctly?
"I love you Tris"
I was shocked, but that shock soon turned into delight as I mumbled back those four little words. "I love you too."
Those words light up his face and he started smiling.
"You still love me, even if I'm like this?" he asked.
"I've always loved you. I never cared about that, it's the person not the position" I answered truthfully. He made it to the couch and was able to get on it and out of his chair, with me on his lap, because he couldn't feel anything waist down.
"I love you Tristan"
"I love you Austin" We both smiled then leaned in. Sparks flew, as our lips moved in sync. I smiled.

"I remember before my aunt passed she told me that when you really love someone that nothing else matters" I said.
"The only thing that matters to me is making you happy" he answered pulling me in for a hug, "Will you be mine?"

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