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Arabella POV:
'These pictures are really good wow I'm good at this haha' I thought as I walked to my bedroom where everything is for my project.

" Hey Buggie whatcha doing " asked Anastasia. I looked up from my camera and smiled " just getting pictures to finish my project for photography so I don't get yelled at for turning it in late again " I said she just chuckled and shook her head saying " yeah I might wanna finish mine too so Mrs. Alpha don't kick me out again haha" I just laughed at her. " so um Buggie wanna be my model for it " " sure " I said noding my head yes .
"OK let's go I got a good place to take pictures at just wait here and I'll go grab my camera OK " "OK " and then she left to go get her camera I wonder where were taking pictures at hmm I don't know I guess I'll find out she came back with her camera stuff and said
"you ready "

"yeah lets go " and she started to walk down the stairs

" where we going my lovely twin "

"Well first were going out in the woods to are favorite tree then in the barn with the animals and I don't know where after that Buggie "

"I love that tree its so big and beautiful. Can I climb it?"

"Yeah you can climb it Buggie "

"WOOHOO" I yelled and started running through the woods to the tree. I stopped in front of it and just 'awed' at it I do every time I see it. I heard a click and then seen a few flashes so I knew she was taking pictures. I moved forward and hugged the tree and leaned my forehead against it and stayed like that for a minute or two. I turned my head to look at the camera and smiled. She took a few from different angles then I jumped up and grabbed a branch an hung from it trying to stay still while she took pictures. I swung up and grabbed another branch and stood on the one I was just hanging on and sat on it so my legs were swinging on the left side and I looked up at the sky it was starting to get a little dark so I started to get down but Ana stopped me " wait" so I stopped and looked at her "do the monkey pose " I just looked at her like 'what the hell are you talking about ' but then I remembered what she was talking about "ohh okay" so I sat back on the branch with my legs wrapped around it as hard as I could and swung down with my legs wrapped around it and swung like that.
"right there try to stay still" I looked at her
"really you want me to stay still"
"Yes now stay still" so I tried to stay still and she started to take more pictures she got up close and took a few " okay you can get down you need help"
"No I got it sis "
"Okay be careful"
"I will " so I flipped off the tree with perfect landing and there was a flash .
"That was perfect " she said with big eyes it was kinda cute.
"Thanks sis "
"Your welcome Buggie"
" where too now "
"The barn"
"OK" we began to walk towards the barn thru the field and came across this cute little fox.
"Anastasia look its a fox its so cute "
"I see it, it really is look its walking towards us"
"I know take a picture " I whispered while sitting down in the grass the cute little fox walked up and sniffed my foot an licked it he looked up at me and we made eye contact I froze in my place his eyes were big and brown they were really pretty. He stepped forward an I stuck my hand out for him too sniff it and he licked it it tickled"haha that tickles little guy" he looked at me and jumped on my lap I started to pet his head he started to purr. " Awe he's so cute can I keep him Ana please pretty please" I begged to my sister the fox just looked at her with those big brown eyes it was cute "I don't know " "please please please please sis " I begged her " fine " she said with a smile " you hear that little guy I can keep you " I said while picking him up "okay lets go too the barn to take more pictures" she said and started walking away while I got up with the little guy in my arms .
"Hey Buggie you wanna take one with Diablo "
"Sure you wanna meet Diablo my horse little guy" I asked the fox in my arms. We got to Diablo and I walked in slowly with little guy in my hands Diablo looked up and walked toward me sniffing around trying too find out what was in my hands the fox looked up at him and licked his nose and Diablo sneezed I chuckled at them and I heard Ana's camera click we stayed there for awhile taking a few pictures with me and foxy sitting on him bare back i got down to talk to Ana about something but before i could i felt something wet on my cheek and heard a camera click i slowly turned my head to Diablo and he had his tongue out " ewwww Diablo haha" i said wiping my cheek off " i love you too bud "

"alright lets get some with the other animals " Ana spoke up from the door.

"kk bye Diablo love you " i whispered to Diablo and hugged his neck and he wrapped his head around me and gave me a hug back. 

"how about we go to Mary the lamb " 

" okay " "you ready to meet Mary little guy " i asked the fox while i petted his head he looked up at me with the biggest brown eyes ive ever seen and something just clicked in me telling me to protect him and never let go so i hugged him closer to me. 

" whats wrong Buggie " Ana asked from in front of me i looked at her then back too the wide eyed fox in my arms " i dont know just something clicked in me when he looked at me tellong me too keep him safe and to never let go i.. i feel this strong connection to him for some reason " i confessed and looked up at her she didnt speak all she did was just shake her head and walked on to Mary's pin. i followed behind her and opened the pin door so i could walk in. i got in and sat down on the floor next to Mary she looked up and then down at the fox infront of her they stared at each other before foxy walked up too and cuddled into her side and she put her head in my lap it was soo cute. Ana took a lot of pictures before saying " lets go to the other animals then home " so i picked up Foxy and left to go to the pigs, then we went to Boston the bull and his family, then the bunnies, finally we got to the chickens and it was funny because Foxy jumped down out of my hands and went chasing after Chuckie the rooster so i went chasing after them , after awhile i finally caught him and laughed at him.

"you have such a cute smile " Ana said out of nowhere i stopped and looked at her wide eyed "w-what did you say" 

"i said you have a cute laugh"

"oh t-thanks " i whispered and started to blush 

"are you blushing"

"no w-why would i be blushing "

"i dont know you tell me " she said with a smirk stupid face always gotta give me away

"im not blushing ok its the air its cold "

" ok whatever you say you ready to go because i think i got enough pictures theres like a thousand on here" she said holding up the camera.

" yeah lets go" i said and took off towards the house running as fast as i could .

Anastasia's POV:

that was strange i thought while i gathered my things to go back to the house i wonder why she was blushing i guess it was nothing if it was she would have told me oh well ill find out sooner or later. 

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