{Coffee Shop AU! Jack Patillo}

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{Requested by DigressingNerd}
{ Jack x Non-Binary!Reader}

  "One non-fat mocha latte, extra cream and soy milk for Alex!" Jack shouted from behind the counter, hoping to be heard over the loud coffee shop talk. A young man walked up, placing the money on the counter and thanking him before taking the coffee and walking back to the table with his friends.

Jack stepped back over to the cash register and smiled at the next customer. The person seemed around twenty five. They rummaged through their wallet and handed him their credit card as they ordered a simple french vanilla coffee. He nodded and asked for their name.

  "(Y/N)." They gave him a small smile as he swiped their card, charging them.

"Hi, (Y/N). I'm Jack." He smiled back as they nodded, taking back their credit card and putting it back in their wallet. They looked up at him and flushed pink at his smile, nodding before walking over to their table.

He watched before starting to make their order, smiling. A few thoughts ran through his head.

"Maybe I should give them my number...:" He muttered. The younger customer had visited the shop multiple times, ordering the same thing. He had never had the courage to speak to them and had always shoved Gavin in front of him to take their order.

He finished their coffee and wrote their name on the cup, hesitating before writing down his own number.

"Small french vanilla coffee for (Y/N)!" He called out. The young person walked up, dropping a tip in he jar before walking off.

Jack quietly watched in nervousness as they noticed his number. Their face darkened as they pulled out their phone and typed in his number before putting it away. They looked over at him and waved at him, smiling shyly.

His eyes lit up and he waved back excitedly before calming down and flushing dark. He waved a little slower, earning a small laugh from (Y/N).

He smiled a bit and sighed, going back to work.

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